Mythbusters in Orbit

Mua Mythbusters in Orbit BỘ (?)

HK$ 120.70

Về bộ này

Something to pump up the adrenaline. Something to chill out with. Get two unique games with a discount!

MythBusters: The Game - Crazy Experiments Simulator
Be a MythBuster in front and behind the camera! The game is a first-person sim that adapts the famous Discovery show. Run crazy experiments and manage the production of episodes.

Orbital Racer
A unique combination of space and racing sims. Choose between fast-paced, explosive action or more realistic simulation where drifting around every corner becomes more than just a gimmick - it's a necessity. Race around distinct locations such as the rings of Saturn or orbital city on Venus.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

HK$ 76.00
Orbital Racer
  Indie, Đua tốc độ, Giả lập
HK$ 66.00
MythBusters: The Game - Crazy Experiments Simulator
  Hành động, Phiêu lưu, Giả lập
HK$ 142.00
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HK$ 120.70
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HK$ 21.30
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Mua Mythbusters in Orbit BỘ (?)

HK$ 120.70