Zombie Army 4/ Left 4 Dead Bundle

Mua Zombie Army 4/ Left 4 Dead Bundle BỘ (?)

HK$ 374.00
HK$ 42.24

Về bộ này

Get both Zombie Army 4: Dead War and Left 4 Dead in this terrifyingly gruesome bundle.

Team up with friends or brave it on your own as you fight for survival in zombie infested maps, mowing down wave after wave of the undead with an artillery of powerful weapons.
With 1-4 player co-op, legions of relentless enemies, and 2 games bursting with zombie brain-blasting action, quench you and your friend’s blood-lust with this ultimate horror game night bundle.
The cross-over doesn’t end there! Enlist Left 4 Dead’s Bill, Francis, Louis and Zoey in the battle against the occult Nazi scourge with Zombie Army 4’s FREE Left 4 Dead character pack.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

HK$ 308.00
HK$ 46.20
Zombie Army 4: Dead War
  Hành động
Miễn phí
Zombie Army 4: Left 4 Dead Character Pack 1
  Hành động
HK$ 66.00
HK$ 6.60
Left 4 Dead
  Hành động
HK$ 52.80
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Giảm giá theo bộ:
HK$ 42.24
Chi phí phải trả:
HK$ 10.56
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Mua Zombie Army 4/ Left 4 Dead Bundle BỘ (?)

HK$ 374.00
HK$ 42.24