"Mojo 2: Mia” is a new version of the famous game “2048”, an original approach to this well-known puzzle. Beautiful Mia will keep you company during the game. The more points you get, the less clothes remain on the girl.
모든 평가
대체로 긍정적 (884) - 이 게임에 대한 사용자 평가 884개 중 79%가 긍정적입니다.
2018년 10월 26일

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L. Stotch 프랜차이즈 게임을 모두 확인하세요!

게임 정보

"Mojo 2: Mia” is a new version of the famous game “2048”, an original approach to this well-known puzzle. Beautiful Mia will keep you company during the game. The more points you get, the less clothes remain on the girl.
Will you be able to make her strip completely?

Differences from the first part:
  • Two new tiles have been added (128, 256).
  • New game mechanics (temporary “freezing” and dynamic field).
  • Game process fixation.
  • Having completed half of a level, you will get access to the next level. This will enable you to postpone the full completion of certain levels.

성인 콘텐츠 설명

개발자의 콘텐츠 설명:

In the game there is an image of naked girls.

시스템 요구 사항

    • 운영 체제 *: Windows 7
    • 프로세서: 1000 MHz
    • 메모리: 1024 MB RAM
    • 그래픽: Hardware support WebGL - OpenGL 2.1 (GPU Memory - 512MB)
    • 저장공간: 123 MB 사용 가능 공간
* 2024년 1월 1일부터 Steam 클라이언트는 Windows 10 이상 버전만 지원합니다.

Mojo 2: Mia에 대한 고객 평가

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