English is currently not available. It may be online soon.
Alla recensioner:
Blandade (965) - 67% av 965 användarrecensioner för det här spelet är positiva.
8 feb, 2021

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Early Access-spel

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Obs: Spel i Early Access är inte färdiga och kan eventuellt ändras ytterligare. Om du inte är sugen på att spela det här spelet i dess nuvarande tillstånd, bör du vänta och se om spelet utvecklas vidare. Läs mer.

Vad utvecklarna har att säga:

Varför Early Access?

“This game is planned with a relatively large scope and will become a classic Eastern ARPG including all elements that you wish for a Chinese fantasy game. The features including the English version of the game with English version of spells. You will be able to create your own Fabao(法宝), it can be used both as a weapon and ride to fly. Also, more challenges and more types of enemies are going to be added in the future.
And after you've finished all the content we created ourselves, there will be an editor in-game for you to build your own enemy and spells.
This comes with great complexity and a huge amount of man-hours.

We're a very small team and we need your help to finish all these works in our plan.
That's where we need you, the community, to help us prioritize features and iron out the gameplay wrinkles.”

Ungefär hur länge kommer det här spelet att vara i Early Access?

“The game is planned to stay in early access for about 6 ~ 9 months.”

Hur är det tänkt att den fullständiga versionen ska skilja sig från versionen i Early Access?

“The features are planned:
English language
More ways to build your character
More spells and enemies.

Hur är det nuvarande läget i versionen med Early Access?

“There will be the newest content update always in the description on the store page.

Until the end of this January, the game has complete Chinese audio recognition, direct shoot spell, shields, AOE spells, melee and ranged enemies, and five different levels with the changeable enemy amount.”

Kommer spelet att prissättas annorlunda under och efter Early Access?

“We plan to gradually raise the price as we ship new content and features.”

Hur planerar ni att involvera gemenskapen i er utvecklingsprocess?

“During the game development process, any suggestions are very welcomed. You may comment on the store page or in the Steam community. Also in the future, we are plan to open our public account on Youtube, Bilibili, and Weibo. There will be the newest content updates, and any comment is welcomed. Your comment may directly lead us to develop future content.”
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Köp Magical Battle Cry

HK$ 89.00
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Rapportera buggar och lämna synpunkter för detta spel i diskussionsforumet

Om detta spel

The game doesn't contain English yet, it will come later after I get the game working well. The English version of the game will also contain English spells.



欢迎来到言出法随的频道~ 自从言出法随发布至今,也已经过去了近一年的时间,最近它的5.0版本也正式上线。在本游戏中,您将能体验到仙侠游戏中非常经典的战斗场景,作为修天之士理当周游九州,除妖诛邪,匡扶正道,护佑苍生,前去各种不同的地点与穷凶极恶的妖兽/邪教教徒交战。于是这位修仙者将会用灵活的身法在敌人的攻击下左闪右避,并且剑指邪祟,大喝法诀,引动天地真元化作无尽威能将敌人轰杀成渣。



当然,本游戏目前依然处于Early Access阶段。在这款游戏中可能充斥有各个角度思路清奇姿势不同的bug,我们会在得到反馈后及时修复。bug反馈可以通过玩家群或者B站官号 @羲和工作室 的私信,也可以通过 进行反馈~




    • OS:
    • Processor:
    • Minne: 8 MB RAM
    • Grafik:
    • Lagring: 1400 MB ledigt utrymme
    • OS:
    • Processor:
    • Minne: 16 MB RAM
    • Grafik:
    • Lagring: 1400 MB ledigt utrymme

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