G2 FIGHTER is a Low Poly, third-person ARPG. Gameplay includes not only fast-paced shooting, but also role play, team fight, base construction and so many other elements. Step on unknown journey with Bern Pierron to seek for the truth of this chaos world.
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Größtenteils positiv (2,236) - 79 % der 2,236 Nutzerrezensionen für dieses Spiel sind positiv.
28. Aug. 2019

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Early Access-Spiel

Erhalten Sie sofortigen Zugang und bringen Sie sich in die Entwicklung ein.

Hinweis: Spiele im Early Access sind noch nicht fertiggestellt und können in Zukunft Änderungen erhalten. Wenn Ihnen das Spiel im aktuellen Zustand nicht gefällt, warten Sie eine Weile, um zu sehen, wie sich das Spiel weiterentwickelt. Mehr erfahren

Hinweis: Das letzte Update der Entwickler ist mehr als 4 Jahre her. Die hier von den Entwicklern angegebenen Informationen und der Zeitplan sind möglicherweise nicht mehr aktuell.
Was die Entwickler zu sagen haben:

Wozu Early Access?

„We wish to bring the best game experience for you. Designing and perfecting new functions takes time, we need to go step by step to bring better contents to all. Moreover, we want to gather all your feedback which will help us to create a really great G2 Fighter.“

Wie lange wird dieses Spiel ungefähr den Early Access-Status haben?

„There is a completed story line and a grand world view. In order to achieve all these contents, we will settle ourselves down to work for that. Early Access is expected to last for about 6 months.“

Wie soll sich die Vollversion von der Early Access-Version unterscheiden?

„Full version will become more efficient with beautiful game screens and music. Of course, the most important is that there will be more new contents. Furthermore, we plan to perfect Multiplayer mode, Construction mode and Fight mode in the future.“

Was ist der derzeitige Stand der Early Access-Version?

„We spent 2 years to develop the game. Although this is not enough for us, we still believe that it might be more important to show G2 Fighter to all core players and gain their support. Early Access version is not mature at many aspects but it will surely bring you a lot of joy.“

Wird dieses Spiel während und nach Early Access unterschiedlich viel kosten?

„We plan to raise prices in Full version. So, purchasing during Early Access will help save your money and bring you to the process of game development.“

Wie werden Sie versuchen die Community in den Entwicklungsprozess miteinzubeziehen?

„We are willing to hear the voice from communities to know your expectations and advices. Community activity is also a wonderful idea for communication.“

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Infos zum Spiel

G2 FIGHTER is a Top-Down view shooter ARPG with Low Poly style. We created a grand world and have built various of cities and scenes in it. Players are able to immerse themselves here and free to fight, drive and execute all kinds of missions. There will be a main story line that leads us go into this world of chaos, find the truth behind the darkness.


We are very sorry that due to new contents added to G2 Fighter, game structure has been changed which will result in players' data being erased.
We will compensate for players whose data has been changed and the notice will be announced later.


G2 Fighter has a fast-paced combat style, you can equip with 3 different kinds of firearms, 1 melee and 1 grenade. Powerful weapons will enable you to fight a bloody path from countless enemies. You can’t stop playing with this amazing experience in challenging!


Equipment in G2 drops randomly, they are of different qualities and ranks which can be strengthen by forging and inlaying. Randomness makes equipment unique and you should always choose to gear those that match your combat style. Epic gear will also be your ultimate goal!


Besides the main story line, there are lots of side quests for you to choose. Different decisions on quests will result in different plots. Dungeons will be active in the latter stage of game, you can enjoy yourselves in endless war.


Real-time system will not only determine the light and shade but also influence event trigger. The open plan world map allows you to drive as you wish. With the story goes by, more forces will appear on horizon. Their destiny will also walk to different destinations.


We invited Doug Cockle and a dozen superior dubbers to OMUK studio to dub for G2 FIGHTER. Dubbing shapes the images of characters, makes the story more vivid and leaves you feeling exhilarated.


Multiplayer mode is now available in G2. Cooperate with your friends, cover, charge and fire support! Assemble your team to defeat stronger enemies or make a joke on your close friends. We are sure this mode will bring you brilliant game experience.


  • Chapter Three active, construction mode first stage (basic functions and preview on world map)
  • Chapter Three on line, construction mode second stage (gather resources)
  • Chapter Four on line, fight system optimization
  • Chapter Five on line, complete the story, legion combat system
  • Some other dungeons and interesting gameplay will be added in Chapter Four (for example fishing, cooking and driving).
  • We will keep on transplanting of console & NS version, plan to release in the middle of next year.


Beschreibung nicht jugendfreier Inhalte

Der Entwickler beschreibt die Inhalte wie folgt:

Dieses Spiel enthält möglicherweise Inhalte, die nicht für alle Altersklassen oder zum Ansehen am Arbeitsplatz geeignet sind: Gelegentliche Darstellungen von Nacktheit oder sexuellen Handlungen, Häufige Darstellung von Gewalt, Blut oder Verstümmelung, Allgemeine nicht jugendfreie Inhalte


    • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
    • Betriebssystem *: Windows 7 / Windows 10 64 bit
    • Prozessor: 2.50GHz
    • Arbeitsspeicher: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafik: Intel HD 530
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Speicherplatz: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
    • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
    • Betriebssystem: Windows 10 64 bit
    • Prozessor: 3.50GHz
    • Arbeitsspeicher: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafik: Nvidia GeForce GT1050TI
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Speicherplatz: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
* Ab dem 1. Januar 2024 unterstützt der Steam-Client nur noch Windows 10 und neuere Versionen.

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