SAS is an Open World Multiplayer PVP and CO-OP Survival Game. Set in a vast environment that features Building, Crafting, Taming, Riding, Flying and Exploring Wildlife, Dinos and Dragons as well as Horrific Creatures and Instances with the ability to Morph into Spirit Animals.
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Variadas (88) - El 63 % de las 88 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este juego son positivas.
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6 JUN 2018

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Por King GamerBR 7 de junio de 2018


Juego con acceso anticipado

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Aviso: Los juegos con acceso anticipado no están terminados y pueden o no cambiar más adelante. Si no te entusiasma jugar en su estado actual, deberías esperar a ver si el juego avanza más en su desarrollo. Más información

Lo que dicen los desarrolladores:

¿Por qué ofreces acceso anticipado?

«Spirit Animal Survival is a massive Open World Multiplayer with a unique story.
It has a very complex game mechanic where the player is able not only to build and craft but also has the opportunity to morph into different animal forms during the game play and dangerous monster encounters. You are surrounded by a living and breathing world faced with many challenges ahead be it on the main land, ocean or one of the many instances such as dungeons and caves and parallel worlds. All this needs balancing and player input to release and expand as a finished product. Early Access ensures that we can partner up with you all enabling us to help make this game an amazing experience.»

¿Cuánto tiempo va a estar este juego en acceso anticipado aproximadamente?

«We estimate that Spirit Animal Survival will take years to complete allowing a full release on Steam.»

¿Qué diferencias habrá entre la versión completa y la versión de acceso anticipado?

«The full version planned will differ in comparison to the Early Access version is as follows:
(Most of the content will only differ in quantity as it is already implemented)

  • 11 Islands in total with 11 Boss Instances (Early Access has 5 Islands and 4 Instances)
  • Additional Animals and Creatures (Early Access features approximately 100 already)
  • Extensive Crafting and Building Pieces (Early Access has over 200 craftables)
  • Defense and Offense Weapons such as Ballista, Trebuchet, etc.
  • Additional Mounts
  • Additional Tamed Pets
  • Gardening and Harvesting Mechanic
  • Additional Character Clothes sets and Armor Tiers

¿Cuál es el estado actual de la versión de acceso anticipado?

«Spirit Animal Survival Early Access version features a very stable COOP Multiplayer Open World environment, with almost all features of the full version implemented.We will try to implement the PVP mode with an update shortly after Early Access launch.
However a game this size needs balancing and player input to help form the potential and completion of this game.
Currently included are the following features:
  • 5 different environments totaling approximately 36 square kilometers
  • 100 different Animal and Creature Types
  • Over 200 Craft and Building Items
  • Taming/Mating of specific Animals
  • Morphing into Spirit Animals
  • Extensive Character Creation system for Male and Female
  • 6 Tiers of starting clothes sets
  • Different Mountable Animals and Boats
  • 4 Boss Instances
  • Volumetric Weather System with Day and Night cycles

¿El precio del juego será diferente durante y después del acceso anticipado?

«Yes, the game will be lower priced through Early Access, relative to its final full-version retail price.»

¿Cómo tienes planeado involucrar a la comunidad en tu proceso de desarrollo?

«We at True Illusion Software, will make use of the Forums on our site as well as the Steam Hub/Group and our Discord Channel to maintain consistent interaction with our Player Community.
We will be very active with the comments and suggestions our players provide us with.»
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“Spirit Animal Survival, Steam Game Developer Interview”
Steam Game Updates

“Indie Spotlight-Spirit Animal Survival”
Game Design Junkie

“Developer Interview”
Indie Game Launchpad

Acerca de este juego

SAS is an Open World Multiplayer PVP and CO-OP Survival Game. Set in a vast environment that features Building, Crafting, Taming, Riding, Flying and Exploring Wildlife, Dinos, and Dragons as well as Horrific Creatures and Instances with the ability to Morph into Spirit Animals.


• There are over 100 different creatures in the world of SAS. From elephants to dinosaurs & dragons. As you try to fulfill your mission to save your goal you also need to deal with these creatures.
• You can tame the creatures as well. Taming is a dangerous task so be careful not to die along the way. You can ride your tamed creatures.
• Not only can you tame the creatures but if you have a male & female creature you can also have them mate.


• You can defeat mini-bosses to obtain one of the two dragon mounts!
• There are other animals like horses, birds, turtles and many more that you can also ride on land, air and in the sea!
• Are animals not your favorite choice of transportation? Then perhaps going around on a boat or flying carpet is more for you.


• When creating your own unique character you can get crazy. From the tiniest person to the world’s tallest person. Have fun with the creation!
• Once you created your character you can craft clothes from 6 different tires. From basic protection to the epic warrior outfits.
• Once you are in the world of SAS you can then use over 45 Social Animations. Want to flex your muscles or do a rain dance? You can!


• There are over 300 craftable items in the game. Make epic bases and decorate them with all that you can imagine.
• 4 tiers of building material are currently in the game. From basic sticks and wood to advanced stone and concrete.
• And if there are other tribes starting trouble you can use siege weapons to defend yourself.


• Start your journey by freeing your tribe mates who have been captured by the Evil Lord and his evil minions and are held captive in various instances around the map.
• Survive the harsh elements and get the necessary tools, weapons, and structures you may need to defeat the different tier bosses to save your tribe.
• Cleanse the world of the evil that is a threat to your tribe and restore peace & harmony for all while gaining the Spirit Animal powers along the way to prevent evil to regain control.


• There is a large variety of Spirit Animals for you to transform into. From a fast rabbit to a dangerous bear. All of the Spirit Animals have their own abilities!
• You unlock all the 11 Spirit Animals by cleansing the world of evil that you will find in various instances throughout the world and defeating the Evil Lord’s Elite Monsters.
• Will you roam the land or the mighty skies with your Spirit Animal of your personal choice?

The Story of Spirit Animal Survival

At the beginning of existence,
our Creator made it such that Humans and Animals had a mutual understanding of one another allowing them to communicate together
which in turn forged a bond of peace and harmony.

It was not until Humans became overrun with greed and an insatiable need for power that the Humans began the gratuitous killing of animals beyond what they needed for food and survival. Angered by the Humans actions, the Creator separated the two populations, assigning them their own respective villages and different languages. As a punishment for their ignorance, the Humans and Animals were then completely segregated and the ability to communicate was lost.

Although the balance between the Humans and Animals was in peril, the Creator passed a piece of his primal essence to a few select kind and honest Humans which allowed them to still understand the animals and to yield the power of the 11 Spirit Animals by taking on their animal forms.

As the Creator was bestowing the gift of the Spirit Animal to the few select Humans, elsewhere dark and malevolent energy manifested. The Dark Lord saw this schism between Animal and Man as an opportunity to overrule the World with His darkness and evil. To accomplish his evil goals, the Dark Lord gathered the most corrupt of the Humans and promised them the power of their own to rule the World if they were to supply Him with both Animal and Human sacrifices to feed this insatiable hunger for fear and pain of all living creatures.

Now, the time has come for those few gifted Humans who bear the Spirit Animal to defeat the evil forces that prevail and bring light to the darkness once and for all. Your quest begins with your Tribe being attacked by the forces of evil, when many parts of the World are set afire, people are being captured and offered for sacrifice, causing much pain and suffering. As the sole survivor, unsure of why you were spared during the torment and massacre, your mission is to find your people, free them, and fortify your Tribe’s village. The only way to defeat the Dark Lord is to summon the collective power of the 11 Spirit Animals, using their gifts and abilities to kill the Soldiers of Darkness and their armies of destruction.

Requisitos del sistema

    • Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits
    • SO *: Windows 8.1
    • Procesador: Intel I5 or AMD A10
    • Memoria: 10 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: Geforce 760 or equivalent (minimum) with 2GB dedicated memory.
    • DirectX: Versión 11
    • Red: Conexión de banda ancha a Internet
    • Almacenamiento: 20 GB de espacio disponible
    • Notas adicionales: Harddrive Speed of 7200 rpm or install SAS on a SSD (loading and streaming improved by almost 10x)
    • Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits
    • SO: Windows 10, 64 bit +
    • Procesador: i7 Quad Core 3.2 ghz
    • Memoria: 16 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: Geforce 1060 or higher equivalent with minimum 4GB dedicated memory
    • DirectX: Versión 12
    • Red: Conexión de banda ancha a Internet
    • Almacenamiento: 30 GB de espacio disponible
    • Notas adicionales: Harddrive Speed of 7200 rpm or install SAS on a SSD (loading and streaming improved by almost 10x)
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.

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