Because of the Great hero Galoluise, demons are all destroyed.For a rookie teenage girl to become the Savior, everyone loved her.Life seemed happy, and the world was as peace as it could ever get.But 3 years later,Hero Galoluise not only have lost her house, her friends and family members were slaughtered.
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Data lansării:
19 oct. 2017

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Anunț: King Exit nu mai este disponibil în magazinul Steam.

Despre acest joc

Trading cards: According to new policy of Steam, trading cards will be available when the quantity of copies of game sold reachs a certain amount.

Because of the Great hero Galoluise, demons are all destroyed.
For a rookie teenage girl to become the Savior, everyone loved her.
Life seemed happy, and the world was as peace as it could ever get.
But 3 years later,
Hero Galoluise not only have lost her house, her friends and family members were slaughtered.
Shouldering the great guilt, she was taken to the infamous ‘Underground Prison’.

The prisoner, Galoluise was stripped all costumes, magic spells, and equipment,
And with them, the meaning to live.
Then she met the blind girl ‘Sdyalla’.
They bounded well and both decided that
No matter what, they were gonna get out of here.

・Easy to play
A turn base RPG game using HP, MP and TP to fight off powerful enemies.
Along with her companions she recued along the way.

・Underground Levels
Vegetation grown underground can cure you.
Broken keys and items found in the dead
Can be crucial things to get out.

The MC was having dreams about wars.
Re-learn the technique of fighting with her long gone friends
And the ways to live.

▼Great RPG▼
Main story takes about 18 hours to finish.
Prologue-9 Chapters-Final Chapter
This is a story of together, depart, despair and survive.

There are achievements in every levels.
Each time will be a whole experience.

Descrierea conținutului pentru adulți

Dezvoltatorii descriu conținutul astfel:

Nuidity or Sexual Content, Non-Consensual Sex, Explicit Sexual Acts, Adult Only

Cerințe de sistem

    • SO *: WIN7 SP1/WIN8/WIN10/XP
    • Procesor: 1.2 GHz
    • Memorie: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafică: DirectX 9 compatible graphics card
    • Stocare: 1 GB spațiu disponibil
* Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, clientul Steam va fi compatibil numai cu Windows 10 și versiunile ulterioare.

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