Explore the land of Sulnas as the "Shadow of Death", a cat girl who's dauntless and fierce. The land is poisoned by secret power and desperately needs salvation. Can you save it from its sure demise or will you doom its fate like everyone else would?
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29. sep. 2020

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Kjøp Mysteria~Occult Shadows~

SPESIALKAMPANJE! Tilbudet utløper 12. mars

HK$ 66.00
HK$ 13.20

Om spillet

Developed by indie group
"U-Secret Studio"
Kemomimi x Alternate Myth Style
3D Hack&Slash Game

Free Outfits!

10+ outfits, all available in FREE DLCs or in game

Cute maid, gorgeous Kimono, sexy lingerie, foxy JK.
And all kinds of weapon skins, all free!

The current version of the game is EA 4.0.
It now has a complete story, and would take you about 6-10 hours to get through.
If you encountered any bug, please contact uhome@u-secret.net with screenshots.
We'll send you solutions, complete savedata and original wallpaper for compensation.

--------welcome to mysteria!----------

Guide Death Shadow through a world of wonders. 

The world Sulnas is heavily infested with dark power. 

Give yourself to the basic instincts and purge this world with light.

+◇ Snappy Controls, challenging in every way. Gets harder as the game progresses.
+◇ Quick Time Events! End your enemies with style.
+◇ Fully animated cut scenes and full Japanese VA.
+◇ Destroy your enemies with 3 kind of weapons
+◇ Well-designed combat system, make every cut deep to your enemies’ flesh and bone.
+◇ Grapple and jump, handle every battle as agile as a cat.
+◇ Puzzles and myths can tell a story on their own.
+◇ Over 40 unique enemies
+◇ 14 Levels! 10 Maps!
+◇ Full controller support
+◇ Fantastic Lighting + Stylized PBR rendering makes the game as real as your fantasies.
+◇ BGMs and music composed by the famous group project lights
+◇ Unique costumes and weapons!
+◇ Fully customized your own experience.
+◇ Customizable cut scenes: Try out our new portrait mode!

Explore the forbidden zones in the mainland, Surnas, discover the biggest secret hidden behind the Ferre civilization, or beat the evil creatures as you wish - you drive the power from the deepest darkness, and nothing constrains you.

《Mysteria: Occult Shadows》is a 3D, free-camera, real-time action adventure game developed by indie game studio formed by College students. This game features the Dark-Tale-Style scenes and Ferre characters design, with a variety of supernatural elements organized into the main and branch stories.


Q:How to backup/delete the whole savedata?
A:The whole savedata is a .mss file under C:\Users\{Your User Name}\AppData\Local\Mysteria\Saved

Q:Why the frame rate in the ring like map is especially lower than others?
A:The system will load maps when in that map, the frame rate now depends on the I/O speed of your drive. If you stand still the frame rate will get higher.

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    • Krever en 64-biters prosessor og operativsystem
    • OS: Win7 64Bit/Win8 Win8.1 64Bit/Win10 64Bit
    • Prosessor: Intel G620 or AMD X2 280 /AMD (APU) A6 9500
    • Minne: 6 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: Nvidia GeForce GTX750 or AMD GPU Radeon HD 6850
    • DirectX: Versjon 11
    • Lagring: 15 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • Krever en 64-biters prosessor og operativsystem
    • OS: Win7 64Bit/Win8 Win8.1 64Bit/Win10 64Bit
    • Prosessor: Intel Core I5 6500 / AMD CPU FX8350
    • Minne: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: Nvidia GeForce GTX970/1060 or AMD GPU RadeonR9 290
    • Lagring: 15 GB tilgjengelig plass

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