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A next-gen re-imagination of a groundbreaking 80s classic. Carrier Command: Gaea Mission brings a breathtaking combination of action and strategy elements.
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28. sep. 2012
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Kjøp Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

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HK$ 219.00
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Om spillet

From the creators of the award-winning Arma™ tactical military shooter series comes a next-gen re-imagination of a groundbreaking 80s classic. Set in a vast open archipelago, Carrier Command: Gaea Mission brings a breathtaking combination of action game and strategy elements!

As a result of a catastrophic war between the United Earth Coalition and the Asian Pacific Alliance, Earth has been rendered an almost uninhabitable wasteland. The only hope lies in a distant planetary system, where the moon Taurus holds the key to restoring Earth's dwindling water supply. As a battle-hardened member of the surviving UEC forces, Lt Myrik is put in command of an armed vehicle carrier. By traversing the seas and establishing a network of island bases, his mission is to hunt down the enemy and conquer the Dead Zone on the planetoid Taurus.

Key Features

  • Story-Driven Campaign

    Follow the immersive storyline as you evolve from underdog rookie to Carrier Commander in a battle against overwhelming odds.

  • Strategy Campaign

    Experience the original 80s classic; select startup settings, the balance of power and challenge the enemy carrier to an ultimate strategic duel. Explore 30+ unique islands in 6 distinct climatic zones.

  • Island Network

    Roam the seas to establish a network of island bases for defense, mining and manufacturing. A steady supply of resources is vital to your campaign’s success.

  • Unit Customization

    Build new upgrades and weapons for your Carrier and combat units, but keep an eye on fuel and ammo.

  • Join the Action

    Get into the heart of the action by taking direct control of any unit. Shift seamlessly from combat vehicles to strategic map via the unique Picture-in-Picture window.

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