Coordinate a squad of firefighters as they navigate the hazards of a structural fire in search of the survivors trapped inside. Flash Point: Fire Rescue is a turn-based strategy port of the acclaimed board game. A unique tactical firefighting experience to enjoy with your family and friends.
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29 Mar 2018

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Beli Flash Point: Fire Rescue

Beli Fig Games BUNDEL (?)

Terdiri dari 3 item: Solo, Flash Point: Fire Rescue, Little Bug

HK$ 149.41

Tentang Game Ini

We got the call, a building is burning and there are people trapped inside. Fire is spreading and time is running out. We've had reports of explosions and the whole thing can come crashing down at any moment. You know the job: get those survivors out of there.

Flash Point: Fire Rescue is a turned-based strategy game that places you in command of a squad of specially trained firefighters with the sole aim to rescue survivors form a raging structural fire.

Your team will need to make the most of each turn using limited action points and specialized abilities to explore the environment, tame the volatile fire and rescue the survivors before the building is reduced to rubble.

As the official digital adaptation of the acclaimed board game from Indie Boards and Cards you will experience the same excitement and challenge of the original in a light-hearted digital form.

Key Features

Pick-up-and-Play Turn-Based Tactics
Quick to learn with a simplified Family Rules mode, coordinate your team as they identify and rescue survivors, get distracted by false alarms, and hold back the flames as they do their best to avoid explosions.

Deep Tactics
Experienced Rules mode lets each member of your squad bring a unique set of skills that they will need to carefully apply as they adapt to the ever changing scenarios. Destroy walls and dash through buildings with the Rescue Specialist, revive unconscious survivors with the Paramedic, command your team members out of dangerous situations with the Fire Captain, and many more.

Persyaratan Sistem

SteamOS + Linux
    • OS *: Windows 7+
    • Prosesor: 2.3GHz+ with SSE2 instruction set support
    • Memori: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafis: DX10 compatible, Shader Model 4.0+
    • DirectX: Versi 10
    • Penyimpanan: 450 MB ruang tersedia
    • Kartu suara: Shader Model 4.0+
* Mulai 1 Januari 2024, Steam Client hanya akan mendukung Windows 10 dan versi yang lebih baru.
    • OS: MacOS 10.7
    • Prosesor: 2.3GHz+ with SSE2 instruction set support
    • Memori: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafis: Shader Model 4+
    • Penyimpanan: 450 MB ruang tersedia
* Mulai 15 Februari 2024, Steam Client tidak akan mendukung game 32-bit atau macOS 10.14 (atau lebih lama).
    • OS: Ubuntu 12.04+, SteamOS+
    • Prosesor: 2.3GHz+ with SSE2 instruction set support
    • Memori: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafis: Shader model 4.0+
    • Penyimpanan: 450 MB ruang tersedia

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