Max's Big Bust is a Life Sim/Visual Novel that follows the story of two cops, Max and Brad, as they investigate a shady new drug that's been circulating the mean streets of Axon City.
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7. feb. 2017

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Om dette spil

Max's Big Bust is a Life Sim/Visual Novel that follows the story of two cops, Max and Brad, as they investigate a shady new drug that's been circulating the mean streets of Axon City. So far their drug busts have turned up nothing, but after a run-in with a mysterious artefact, Max is transformed into a blonde bombshell, and he's not happy about it. How is this linked to the new synthetic drug, and where did this artefact even come from? Will Max find a way to change back, or will he be stuck as a chick for the rest of his life?

  • Fully Animated Anime Cutscenes
  • A cast of 30+ Unique Characters
  • Crime Scene Investigation Sections
  • 5 Love Interests
  • Raise a virtual pet and check the news via an in-game phone
  • Nearly 50 Different Locations to Explore


SteamOS + Linux
    • Styresystem *: Windows XP
    • Processor: 1.2 GHz Pentium 4
    • Hukommelse: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafik: 1280 x 720
    • Diskplads: 2 GB tilgængelig plads
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.
    • Styresystem: 10.6
    • Processor: Any 64 Bit Processor
    • Hukommelse: 1 MB RAM
    • Grafik: 1280 x 720
    • Diskplads: 2 GB tilgængelig plads
* Fra den 15. februar 2024 ophører understøttelsen af 32-bit spil og macOS 10.14 og tidligere i Steam-klienten.
    • Processor: 1.2 GHz Pentium Processor
    • Hukommelse: 1 GB RAM
    • Diskplads: 2 GB tilgængelig plads

Kundeanmeldelser for Max's Big Bust - A Captain Nekorai Tale




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