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It is the height of the Cold War, a time of global uncertainty and civil unrest. You are Agent Alekhine, a highly skilled Russian assassin, driven by a moral compass that leads you headfirst into a covert operation unsanctioned by the country you previously served.
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Variadas (330) - El 64 % de las 330 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este juego son positivas.
Fecha de lanzamiento:
11 MAR 2016
0:00 / 0:00
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Reseña de mentor

Por ☭ Forum of Soviet Motherland ☭ 5 de abril de 2016

«Why I recommend this game?This game have cold war scene and you'll play as a Soviet agent Semyon.
If you like stealth game,that's not bad choice.»

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Acerca de este juego

It is the height of the Cold War, a time of global uncertainty and civil unrest. You are Agent Alekhine, a highly skilled Russian assassin, driven by a moral compass that leads you headfirst into a covert operation unsanctioned by the country you previously served.

Working alongside American CIA agents, your mission is clear - though how you accomplish it is anything but - as the tension of a nuclear standoff grows with each passing minute. Enemies and allies blur; truth is as nebulous as your identity. In a world where one wrong move could be the end of you, navigating a new direction comes at a price.


  • TRAVERSE 11 OPEN GAME LEVELS - Play through open environments with non-linear missions within intriguing U.S., European, and Cuban locations. Explore multiple routes, hidden rooms, and numerous methods to execute assignments. Move freely within your surroundings. Tackle objectives in any order you choose.
  • CONTROL YOUR MISSIONS - Complete each stage within the missions based on your own personal strategy and play style. Experiment with tactics such as using poisons, staging accidents, or purposely alerting guards.
  • MAXIMISE YOUR STEALTH RANKING - Create distractions, pick locks, take on enemy disguises, retrieve vital documents to discover new information, and use specialised weapons to dispose of enemies. Gain additional weapons after each level based on your ability to complete missions without causing attention.
  • EXPERIENCE COLD WAR ESPIONAGE - Alekhine's Gun takes place in a time of extreme hostility and tension, beginning in the early years of the Cold War after WWII and extending through the early 1960s Cuban Missile Crisis. Experience cinematic cut scenes that add layers of intrigue and offer information to help unravel the plot, while providing a historical perspective of this time period.

Requisitos del sistema

    • SO *: Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
    • Procesador: 2.0 GHz Intel or equal AMD-Processor
    • Memoria: 2 GB de RAM
    • Red: Conexión de banda ancha a Internet
    • Almacenamiento: 6 GB de espacio disponible
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.

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