Wolfenstein 3D took you into the past, thrusting you into a world at war. Blake rockets you into the future where a sinister madman, using genetics to create an army of bizarre creatures, is waging war on Earth. Blake has more of everything!
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дуже схвальні (111) - 90% з 111 рецензій на цю гру є позитивними.
Дата виходу:
3 груд. 1993

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Ваша ціна:
HK$ 110.40

Про цю гру

You're pitted against Dr. Pyrus Goldfire. He's found a way to replicate pure gold, which he's using to fund his maniacal plan. Goldfire has built six highly-secure, futuristic locations where his creations are being hatched. It's up to you to penetrate his security and stop him at all costs.

"Blake Stone...isn't simply Son of Wolfenstein...it's a wish list fulfilled, enhancing the Wolfenstein canon with many sensible tweaks and some new tricks that'll make your jaw drop." - Electronic Entertainment


Break and Take: Crates can be blown apart to reveal weapons and other goodies, such as gold, money, food and ammo.

Break a leg. Theirs.: Over 20 unique and adaptive actors, including guards, aliens, mutants and pods.

Inside Intel: Interactive informants give you clues and hints.

Future Soldier: Five futuristic weapons - from a silent shotgun to an explosive grenade launcher.

See Earth: A stagerring 66 levels, including two secret levels per episode.

Controller Support: Partial Xbox 360 Controller support.

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