A deceptively hard little game of deduction. I’m now thinking of a specific combination of pocket items. If I give you hints about what you’ve got wrong, can you guess it in as few guesses as possible?
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1 gebruikersrecensies - Meer gebruikersrecensies nodig om score te genereren
21 jan 2025

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Bekijk de volledige Follow the Fun-collectie op Steam

Pocket Lint kopen

Follow the Fun kopen BUNDEL (?)

Bevat 3 items: Odd One Out, Out of Order, Pocket Lint

HK$ 72.80

Over dit spel

A deceptively hard little game of deduction. I’ve emptied my pockets onto the table, and I’m now thinking of a specific combination of those items. Can you guess it in as few guesses as possible?

How it plays

Each guess you make, information will be revealed about what you got right. By combining divide-and-conquer, with process-of-elimination, you should be able to quickly figure out the answer. Each round, you'll get a new selection of items to play with and a new colour palette to keep things interesting.

Your journey

You’ll start in the campaign mode that will introduce you to all the basics at a steady pace, starting from 2 slots all the way up to 6. Once you’ve completed that, it will transition into the endless mode, where you can test yourself forever against procedurally generated levels.


    • Besturingssysteem *: Windows XP
    • Geheugen: 1 GB RAM
    • Opslagruimte: 100 MB beschikbare ruimte
* Vanaf 1 januari 2024 ondersteunt de Steam-client alleen Windows 10 en latere versies.

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