Gigabyte Dynamite is a retro-themed Shoot 'Em Up game - As an antivirus software, you fight your way through a virus-infected computer, with various nostalgic digital landscapes to conquer.
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Дата на издаване:
юли 2025

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Тази игра все още не е достъпна в Steam

Планирана дата за издаване: юли 2025

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Относно тази игра

Gigabyte Dynamite is a retro-themed Shoot 'Em Up game - As an antivirus software, you fight your way through a virus-infected computer, with various nostalgic digital landscapes to conquer.

The first level is inspired by the little game you play when your internet turns off in a browser.

There are several types of dinosaurs and other related enemies.

The second level is when you have defeated the first defense wall of viruses and restored the internet. Now that the internet is back on you go on an internet forum. All the profiles and memes sent on the forum are taken over by the virus.

The third level is based on the drawing program MS Paint. The drawing tools are corrupted by the virus. Paintbrushes, erasers and even drawings are not safe to be around.

The fourth and final level is the Blue Screen of Death. The virus’s last hope is to try and shut the computer off by causing a blue screen. All the enemies from previous levels come back

Системни изисквания

    • ОС: Windows 10
    • Процесор: Inter Core i5
    • Памет: 2 GB памет
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