Transformice is an MMO platformer about dozens of mice running to bring back the cheese! Will the almighty Shaman help you or just ruin everything? Millions of levels, hectic physics, skill trees, and more importantly... hats!
Reseñas recientes:
Muy positivas (152) - El 89 % de las 152 reseñas de los usuarios en los últimos 30 días son positivas.
Reseñas generales:
Muy positivas (27,397) - El 87 % de las 27,397 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este juego son positivas.
Fecha de lanzamiento:
30 ENE 2015

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Reseña de mentor

Por MCBlockBusters 1 de octubre de 2016

"Creepers alwatys tryna grief me am i right? Disgusting people. I like sexy minecraft girls so hmu. rock hardMCsteveboy"

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“In short: hilarity.”
Rock, Paper, Shotgun

“Why can't I stop playing it? (...) It's total, hilarious chaos.”

“Why did I do that? I'm not sure. Was it fun? Yes. Did we win? Yes!”
PC Gamer

Acerca de este juego

Transformice is an MMO Mouse Simulator platformer about dozens of mice running to bring back the cheese, trying to avoid pitfalls, leading to unexpected and hilarious situations!

You have less than two minutes to be the first mouse to bring back the cheese by all means, with the Shaman's help or curse within the multiple game modes and millions levels available: no two games are ever the same!

In this stupidly fun "free to win" game with hats, will you survive the cheese quest? Will the Shaman help or ruin everything? Join the 55 million people who already tried!

The Mouse Simulator You've Been Waiting For

You are a little mouse looking to bring back the cheese; each successfully taken back unlocks more content and levels up your Shaman skills... But will you be able to make it? Things often go disastrously wrong with ridiculous chain reactions full of evil physics. There’s always a trick in these uncaring set-ups!

Shaman mouse, Pro Gamer or loser? Good or evil? You're in charge!

Every round, one of the player is the almighty Shaman who can use his skills to help his fellow mice get safely to the cheese... or ruin everything? The more mice you save, the faster you will level up in the Shaman's skill trees to build amazing contraptions! Create whatever your imagination can come up with, the fate of the game is at your fingertips.

No Two Games Are Alike

Will a horde of mice rush in and get everybody killed? Will the Shaman successfully get you to the cheese? Or ruin it all? Will the cannon balls let you? With seven official game modes, 200 official maps, dozens of extra player-made gamemodes and more than 5 million player-made maps, almost endless possibilities await you. Not even counting what you will make thanks to the level editor and LUA modules.

Join For the Fun, Stay For the Friends

Gather with your friends to play, chat, troll and laugh together. Participate in the upcoming events, create your own tribe and share on the forums. Challenge your friends to get the top titles and then challenge the world by farming your “firsts”! You'll be challenged by dozens if not hundreds of other mice to be the best.

The Ethical Free to Play Business Model

Transformice is -literally- free to play. HATS! All the items you can buy are and will always be cosmetic: you will never see a gameplay item! Also, 100% of the buyable items are unlockable ingame: that's right, only with your skill you can have them all! Good luck though, some "master achievements" items are very difficult to get. Every cheese you bring back is added to your wallet: the more cheese you have, the more content you will unlock.

Requisitos del sistema

SteamOS + Linux
    • SO *: Windows XP
    • Procesador: 1 GHz
    • Memoria: 512 MB de RAM
    • Almacenamiento: 60 MB de espacio disponible
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.
    • SO: Mac OS X 10.6
    • Procesador: 1 GHz
    • Memoria: 512 MB de RAM
    • Almacenamiento: 60 MB de espacio disponible
    • SO: Ubuntu 12.04 and later
    • Procesador: Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that's SSE2 capable
    • Memoria: 512 MB de RAM

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