Swing through urban landscapes using a needle and your wool as a grappling hook to stop the environmental pollution from ruining your peaceful island life - as fluffy sheep do.
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Tervezett megjelenési dátum: 2025

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A játékról

WOOL is an old school inspired 2d platformer that puts you into the hooves of Ewe, a fluffy sheep whose peaceful life on the edge of an island inhabited entirely by cutesie animals is disturbed by the pesky environmental pollution. Using a needle and your wool as a grappling hook, swing through a variety of urban landscapes, including a junkyard, a factory and the rooftops of a metropolitan city, in order to hold the polluters to account.

  • Explore over 20 colorful hand-crafted levels, each with distinct visual vibe, gameplay mechanics and unique soundtrack to boot.

  • Collect colourful beads and buttons hidden throughout the levels and exchange them with the ol' cat Patches for fun rewards.

  • Think Ewe got what it takes? Master each level and go for gold buttons by racing against the clock.



    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10 or newer
    • Processzor: Intel Core i3 M380
    • Memória: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafika: Intel HD 4000
    • DirectX: Verzió: 10
    • Tárhely: 4 GB szabad hely
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