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Become a vlogger — make streams of how you destroy everything around and play dozens of minigames! Inside of the game is a special social network where your streams are going to get reactions and you'll get upgrades for that.
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Data di rilascio prevista: 2025

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Informazioni sul gioco

Travel, Stream and Share It!

Get viewers on “HitTube” or lose everything!

The whole social network is inside of the game and you're going to be a member of this social network inside the game. Your purpose is to get as many viewers as possible during your stream. The more viewers you get the more upgraded you are.

Travel the world full of interesting locations and people!

You will travel the world, visit completely different locations and meet people that live their own lives. You can do whatever you want there — destroy everything around or just be a pacifist that is good with people and just plays minigames.

Play Minigames!

You'll visit dozens of location and each one of them has its own minigame:

  • In a casino you can gamble;

  • In a hospital you can perform surgery;

  • In a restaurant you can cook.


Customize your character!

Every character in the game is unique and you will create your own! Customise your character however you like. There are hundreds of cosmetic items available that you either get for free or from achievements.

Advanced AI.

Every NPC has its own life. Every NPC has:

  • Own personality (affects behavior and dialogues with them);

  • Style (currently only Clothes);

  • RPG skills and attributes.


Requisiti di sistema

    • Sistema operativo: Windows 10 64-bit Operating System
    • Processore: Intel Core i3-4170 or AMD FX-8120
    • Scheda video: 8 GB RAM
* A partire dal 15 febbraio 2024, il client di Steam non supporterà più i giochi a 32 bit o macOS 10.14 o versioni precedenti.
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