A software that automatically organizes photos and videos by shooting time.
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Oleh 黄油作品赏析0.0 16 Desember 2024


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Beli 照片整理专家


Tentang Software Ini

This is a software that automatically organizes photos and videos based on shooting time, which can quickly transform a cluttered photo library into folders arranged according to the rules of year, month, and day

major function

1. Intelligent organization of photos and videos

Organize photos, videos, and other files in the source folder according to the shooting time, and store them in the target folder according to the specified directory structure.

-Automatically organize and classify photos based on their shooting time

-Support storage by camera model classification

-Customizable organizational structure of target folder

-Support processing image files containing EXIF information

2. Search for duplicate files

Accurately compare all files in the source folder, keep only one copy of all duplicate files in the source folder, and transfer the rest to the recycle folder.

-Accurately search for duplicate photo files

-Support pixel level image comparison

-You can choose to move or copy files

-Keep the original folder structure for easy recovery

3. Clean up file names

Batch delete excess characters in file names, such as tail numbers (1), (2) that are automatically generated due to copy and paste, or blank characters.

-Clean up illegal characters in file names

-Batch processing file name normalization

-Automatically remove duplicate suffixes

-Support file name preview function

4. Star suction technique

Used to find raw files with the same name for. jpg photos, and can also be used to find other attached files with the same name.

Supported file formats

1. Common photo files:



  • GIF

  • PNG

  • PSD

  • AVIF

  • BMP

  • other

2. Camera Raw file:

  • 3FR (Hasselblad)

  • ARW (Sony)

  • CRW / CR2 / CRX (Canon)

  • GPR (GoPro)

  • KDC (Kodak)

  • NEF (Nikon)

  • ORF (Olympus)

  • PEF (Pentax)

  • RAF (Fujifilm)

  • RW2 (Panasonic)

  • RWL (Leica)

  • SRW (Samsung)

3. Supports videos captured by mobile phones and cameras:

  • AVCI

  • AVI

  • MOV (QuickTime)

  • MP4

Persyaratan Sistem

    • OS *: Windows 7
    • Prosesor: Intel i3
    • Memori: 4 GB RAM
    • Penyimpanan: 100 MB ruang tersedia
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Prosesor: Intel i3
    • Memori: 4 GB RAM
    • Penyimpanan: 100 MB ruang tersedia
* Mulai 1 Januari 2024, Steam Client hanya akan mendukung Windows 10 dan versi yang lebih baru.

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