Lost Verses is a first-person psychological horror game where you face supernatural forces and inner fears, using faith and your mother's teachings as defense. Survive the spiritual battles, PRAY! Resist the enemy, and it will flee from you.
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Lost Verses is a psychological horror game where you take on the role of a 30-year-old man grappling with the devastating loss of his daughter. Since the accident that took her from his life, he has been tormented by the brutal impact of grief and a series of personal tragedies. Unable to cope with the pain, his marriage has dissolved, leaving him isolated and vulnerable. The house, once a refuge, has become a spiritual battleground, where memories of his mother and the Christian teachings she passed on emerge amidst increasingly intense demonic oppressions.

In this first-person horror game, you will explore the house and darkened realms, facing demons that reflect not only physical threats but also the protagonist’s internal darkness and spiritual dilemmas. Elements of Christian faith and biblical verses appear as remnants of the past, reminders of a mother who instilled in her son lessons of resilience and faith.


  • Psychological and Spiritual Exploration: Experience an intense journey as you delve into the memories of a troubled mind and a house overtaken by supernatural forces.

  • Symbolic and Emotional Combat: Fight against demonic forces that embody the protagonist’s traumas and fears.

  • Immersive Atmosphere: A dark, detailed environment that amplifies the suspense and isolation; every room and hallway resonates with memories and spiritual tensions.

  • Teachings as a Guide: Fragments of biblical teachings and memories of his mother help the protagonist strengthen his faith, offering moments of relief and hope amid the darkness.

This game goes beyond horror, offering a deep and moving experience that questions human resilience and the quest for faith in the face of grief and adversity.

Tiedote tekoälysisällöstä

Kehittäjät kuvailevat pelissään käytettävää tekoälysisältöä seuraavasti:

Some voices, sound effects, and 3D models were created using artificial intelligence programs.

Aikuissisällön kuvaus

Kehittäjät ovat kuvailleet sisältöä seuraavasti:

The adult content in the game refers solely to themes of alcohol consumption and accidental deaths.


    • Vaatii 64-bittisen suorittimen ja käyttöjärjestelmän
    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: Windows 10, 11
    • Suoritin: Intel Core i3-10100F / AMD Ryzen 3 3100
    • Muisti: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 / AMD Radeon RX 550
    • DirectX: Versio 11
    • Tallennus: 3 GB kiintolevytilaa
    • Vaatii 64-bittisen suorittimen ja käyttöjärjestelmän
    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: Windows 10, 11
    • Suoritin: Intel Core i5 10400F / AMD Ryzen 5 3600
    • Muisti: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 / AMD Radeon RX 580
    • DirectX: Versio 11
    • Tallennus: 3 GB kiintolevytilaa

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