Avalanxe is a multiplayer game where the first player to climb to the top wins.
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Jogo com acesso antecipado

Comece a jogar agora e participe do desenvolvimento do jogo.

Observação: jogos em acesso antecipado não estão completos e podem ou não sofrer alterações no futuro. Caso não esteja com vontade de jogá-lo no estado atual, aconselhamos esperar até que o desenvolvimento esteja mais adiantado. Saiba mais

O que os desenvolvedores têm a dizer:

Por que acesso antecipado?

"We’re offering Early Access for Avalanxe to involve the community in the development process and gather valuable feedback to improve the game. We want players to experience the core of Avalanxe and share their thoughts on the current content, allowing us to polish the experience and add enhancements based on their input."

Por quanto tempo aproximadamente este jogo estará em acesso antecipado?

"We anticipate that Avalanxe will remain in Early Access for approximately 6 to 12 months. This period will allow us to add additional features, optimize performance, and refine the game based on community suggestions."

Como a versão completa será diferente da versão de acesso antecipado?

"We plan to expand the Avalanxe experience in the full version by adding new maps, game modes, and visual elements. We also aim to improve gameplay, fine-tune physics, and controls based on player feedback. Our goal is to deliver a more complete and balanced experience that will keep players engaged over the long term."

Qual é o estado atual da versão de acesso antecipado?

"The Early Access version of Avalanxe includes the main 4-player multiplayer mode, with the basic levels and obstacles, along with ragdoll physics and competitive climbing mechanics. Players can experience the core gameplay and participate in full matches with friends. While it is fully playable, we’re continuing to work on optimizations and adding additional content."

O preço do jogo será alterado após o fim do acesso antecipado?

"Yes, we plan to gradually increase the game’s price as we add new content and features. Those who purchase the game in Early Access will benefit from a lower price as a thank-you for supporting the project in its early stages."

Como vocês planejam envolver a comunidade durante o processo de desenvolvimento?

"We plan to actively involve the community through feedback surveys, discussion forums, and content testing events. We’ll invite players to share their ideas and suggestions, and we’ll provide regular updates to showcase the game’s progress. We greatly value the community’s input, and their contributions will play a key role in shaping the final experience of Avalanxe."
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HK$ 33.20
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Sobre este jogo

Avalanxe is an exciting multiplayer game where the goal is to be the first player to climb to the top of a mountain while dodging a cascade of dangerous obstacles. In a chaotic and challenging environment, players must use their movement skills and strategy to outmaneuver competitors and avoid fast-falling objects.

Descrição do conteúdo adulto

Descrição dos desenvolvedores sobre o conteúdo:

Characters get hit violently by avalanche

Requisitos de sistema

    • Requer um processador e sistema operacional de 64 bits
    • SO: WINDOWS 10
    • Processador: I5
    • Memória: 5 GB de RAM
    • Placa de vídeo: GTX 1060
    • Placa de som: SONY
    • Requer um processador e sistema operacional de 64 bits
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