Desecrated Deck is a dark and occult-inspired card game set in the basement of a cursed house where every move is the difference between life and death. With the help of powerful Item and Perk cards, you forge spiritual pacts to put a stop to malicious souls...
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A játékról

Rock, paper or scissors?

Desecrated Deck is a dark card game based on occultism which is supposed to fulfill wishes or bring death. The winner is the player who wins 3 turns of Rock, Paper or Scissors and summons the correct Item and Perk cards...By summoning powerful item cards and with the help of numerous perk cards, each round is partly strategic and partly random. While "the plague doctor” brings light and life, “the revolver” and “the hanged man” bring dark damnation and the black death...

The perk cards with the key symbol, on the other hand, provide more depth and strategic variety. For example, "the cursed mirror” is able to ward off attacks from evil spirits and reflect them back. "The fortune teller's glass ball”, on the other hand, has the ability to shed light on what is hidden and provide a sneaky glimpse of another item card.

If you have “the tombstone” at hand, the evil spirit across from you has to sit out a round...

However you meet fate, always stick to the following rules:

-Do not play at 3 a.m.!

-Do not play in a graveyard!

-Always say goodbye!

Are you ready to face the troubles from the afterlife and try out the “desecrated deck”?

Good luck brave...

Felnőtt tartalom leírása

A fejlesztők így írják le a tartalmat:

Desecrated Deck contains graphic violence, including supernatural attacks, disturbing imagery, and psychological horror. The game explores dark themes of death, occult rituals, and survival under intense, supernatural pressure. Violence is depicted through weapons and eerie supernatural forces. Viewer discretion is strongly advised, especially for those sensitive to horror, death, and intense imagery.


    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10 / Windows 11 - 64 Bit
    • Processzor: Quad-Core Intel / AMD, 2,5 GHz or faster
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: GeForce GTX 770 or Radeon HD 7970
    • DirectX: Verzió: 11
    • Tárhely: 8 GB szabad hely
    • Hangkártya: Onboard Sound
    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10 / Windows 11 - 64 Bit
    • Processzor: Quad-Core Intel / AMD, 3,0 GHz or faster
    • Memória: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafika: GeForce GTX 1080 or Radeon RX 5700
    • DirectX: Verzió: 12
    • Tárhely: 8 GB szabad hely
    • Hangkártya: Dedicated Sound-Card
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