A robot awakens alone in a desolate world where humanity has vanished due to a plague. In this side-scrolling pixel art adventure, the robot, having lost its memory, retraces its past interactions with humans to rediscover the meaning of "love."
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About This Game

What is love? Discover Lost Memories and the Meaning of "Love" in a Desolate World

In a World After People is a side-scrolling pixel art adventure set in a desolate world.

A sudden plague swept across the globe, causing humanity to vanish and leaving the world enveloped in silence.
── Nearly a thousand years later, a lone robot awakens and begins to move.

As it wanders through the ruins of a decayed world, fragments of its memories with humans gradually return.
The robot continues its journey, searching endlessly—until it reaches the moment it discovers the meaning of "love."

Exploration: Traverse a Beautiful, Desolate World

Take control of a solitary robot and freely explore a silent, ruined world. Investigate intriguing locations, utilize items you find along the way, and solve small puzzles to gradually uncover the story. Hidden within the ruins are countless secrets waiting to be discovered.

Memory: A Journey to Rediscover the Past

The robot has forgotten who it is and why it exists in this world. By locating computers of the same model as its head and transferring memory chips, it begins to recall fragments of the past. What unfolds is the story of humanity’s final days. And through this journey, the robot will come to understand what "love" means in this world, shedding light on its own destiny.

Art: The Beauty of Pixel Art with Depth

Immerse yourself in a stunning pixel-art world brought to life with intricate lighting and shadows. Every detail is carefully crafted to convey the stillness of this desolate land while evoking a sense of nostalgic warmth. With planned updates to enhance its quality even further, the world will continue to grow more captivating.

System Requirements

    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • OS: Window10+
    • Memory: 1 GB RAM
    • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • OS: macOS 10.15+
    • Processor: Apple M1+ or Intel Core M
    • Memory: 1 GB RAM
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