In a world ravaged by catastrophe, where civilization has crumbled. The Game invites players to navigate a desolate landscape filled with remnants of the old world. As a lone survivor, you must scavenge for resources, and confront hostile factions battling for control over dwindling supplies.
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maaliskuuta 2025

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Peli ei ole vielä saatavilla Steamissä

Suunniteltu julkaisupäivä: maaliskuuta 2025

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Tietoa pelistä

In a world ravaged by catastrophe, where civilization has crumbled and nature has reclaimed the land, Apocalyptic Wasteland invites players to navigate a desolate landscape filled with remnants of the old world. As a lone survivor, you must scavenge for resources, forge alliances, and confront hostile factions battling for control over dwindling supplies.

Explore vast, open environments—from scorched deserts to crumbling cities—each teeming with hidden dangers and ancient secrets. Craft weapons and gear from salvaged materials, and customize your character’s skills to adapt to the harsh realities of the wasteland. Encounter mutated wildlife and treacherous terrain as you embark on a quest for survival and redemption.

Unravel the mystery of what led to the apocalypse through compelling narrative choices that shape your journey. Will you become a beacon of hope, or will the darkness of the wasteland consume you? In Apocalyptic Wasteland, every decision echoes in the desolate world around you. Survive, explore, and uncover the truth hidden in the ashes of humanity.


    • Suoritin: Core i3
    • Muisti: 8192 MB RAM
    • Grafiikka: GeForce Gtx 1050
    • Tallennus: 3000 MB kiintolevytilaa
    • Suoritin: Core i3
    • Muisti: 16 384 MB RAM
    • Grafiikka: GeForct Gtx 3050
    • Tallennus: 3000 MB kiintolevytilaa
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