This is a story-centered competitive training card game.
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Tanggal Rilis:
6 Des 2024

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Mainkan UNLIGHT:Revive


Open Beta launched on Dec 7th!

Tentang Game Ini

The witch known as the "Goddess of Fire," who resides in the "Mountains of Madness," is attempting to create an army of the dead to exact revenge. The players are doll-like beings created by the "Goddess of Fire." They gather warriors who died with regrets in the real world and aim to use them as a fighting force to invade the surface world.

In a world full of war, the dead with various pasts are gathered. Some took their own lives, some were murdered; nobles, poor people, and outlaws—all have different pasts and origins. They cooperate with the witch and her servants to return to the real world once more.

The story revolves around various mysteries such as "the Goddess of Fire's true purpose," "Can she return to the real world?" "What is the relationship between the player and the warrior?" and "The appearance of a new force."

This is a story-centered competitive training card game. Players explore and conquer quest mode (single player) with character cards to obtain treasure chests, train and customize their character cards, and explore deck construction that suits their strategy, such as focusing on preemptive action, attack, defense, or overall balance. Not only do trained character cards increase their HP and attack/defense stats, but they also learn special moves unique to each character, which, when conditions are right, can deal significant damage and battle effects to enemies.

Deck construction is also a crucial factor when battling other players in Duel Mode (PvP), so build your deck carefully yet boldly.

Persyaratan Sistem

    • OS: windows10~
    • Prosesor: corei5 6200U~
    • Memori: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafis: Intel(R) HD Graphics 630~
    • Penyimpanan: 10 GB ruang tersedia
    • OS: macOS 10.12~
    • Prosesor: corei5 6200U~
    • Memori: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafis: Intel(R) HD Graphics 630~
    • Penyimpanan: 10 GB ruang tersedia

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