Hockey Super Squad is a thrilling free to play 3v3 multiplayer online hockey game featuring character creation and lite-RPG mechanics. Jump in alone or with friends!
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15 nov 2024

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Opmerking: Spellen in vroegtijdige toegang zijn nog niet voltooid en kunnen nog veranderen. Als je niet staat te springen om dit spel in de huidige staat te spelen, kun je beter afwachten hoe het spel zich verder ontwikkelt. Meer informatie

Wat de ontwikkelaars zeggen:

Waarom vroegtijdige toegang?

'All the core gameplay features are ready, but Hockey Super Squad is still under development. We have planned a whole feature roadmap, but all this planning is useless unless it really caters to the needs of the community. We want YOUR feedback along the way, as soon as possible. Help us build your ideal online hockey game!'

Hoelang blijft dit spel ongeveer in vroegtijdige toegang?

'We expect to stay in Early Access for roughly a year, until Fall 2025, depending on the scope of features we think are needed for an official release. The game will remain playable, online, and most importantly, FUN during that whole process.'

Hoe gaat de volledige versie verschillen van de versie met vroegtijdige toegang?

'We plan on adding additional modes, ranking and progression tiers.

We purposely keep our roadmap flexible to adapt to the community's reaction as much as possible, leaving room to grow in a direction that adds actual value to the game.'

Wat is de huidige staat van de versie met vroegtijdige toegang?

'The Early Access version of Hockey Super Squad features the following:
- 3v3 online mode
- Online matchmaking
- Character creation (along with RPG stats)
- Character customization
- Progression and unlockables'

Zal het spel anders geprijsd worden tijdens en na vroegtijdige toegang?

'The neat thing is that Hockey Super Squad is completely FREE TO PLAY!

For its Early Access launch, microtransactions are not planned. However, if the community feels like a more unique selection of skins/progression elements would add to the game's value, we might look into adding a store and/or a season pass feature.

One thing is for sure, the game will stay free to play and we will never lock any gameplay feature behind a paywall.'

Hoe zijn jullie van plan de community te betrekken bij het ontwikkelproces?

'Working on our previous game, we learned that involving communities as early as possible in development is crucial in building great games with features relevant to their player base. We aim at giving a voice to our community through our Discord server, scan comments and reviews online, as well as testing features as we go, making sure they feel as good as possible.'
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Over dit spel

Hockey Super Squad is a 3 on 3 hockey game featuring character creation and lite-RPG mechanics. It is as much a love letter to older hockey title as it is a revamped version of classic arcade sports games. It includes features such as matchmaking and character customization.


Featuring intense arcade hockey action, Hockey Super Squad offers 3 on 3 online gameplay. Server hosted online matches allows for a smooth experience, whether other players are connected through broadband or the worst public wi-fi!

As the game develop in Early Access, it is planned that a lot of additional modes and features will be added, like ranked, tournament and franchise modes.


Hockey Super Squad offers character creation and customization features, allowing you to (kinda!) create yourself, or anyone you would like to play! The game allows you to create many characters, allowing to craft a full team for yourself and compete online!


Character creation isn't offering cosmetic options only. You can pick from a selection of lightweight, middleweight and heavyweight. A selection of attributes then allows you to tweak your build to your like, using the following stats:
- Skating (speed)
- Strength (cross-checking power)
- Shooting (accuracy)
- Endurance (resistance to checking)
- Passing (distance)
- Handling (deke)

Make sure to create many characters using different stats combinations and find what works best for your playstyle. Even better, match up with two friends, and craft the perfect squad of mighty hockey players and compete online!


As you play, you will level up and unlock more cosmetic options:
- Hair styles
- Helmets/hats
- Accessories
- Jersey patterns and colors
- Goal celebration songs
- And more!

Levelling up will sometimes earn you consumables which will boost one of your stats for your next match. Use with moderation... or not! 


"So wait, so the game is free AND there is no microtransactions? How do you even make money?"
Well, Hockey Super Squad relies exclusively on non-intrusive in-game ads to keep the servers running and the game evolving. Those will take the form of ads on rink boards, screens outside of the play area, etc. For the most part, this will feel just like an actual hockey match on TV. Enjoy your free game!


    • Besturingssysteem: Windows 10 64-bit
    • Processor: Intel Core i5 8th Gen | AMD Ryzen 5 1600
    • Geheugen: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: Nvidia GeForce GTX 960, 4 GB | AMD Radeon R9 380, 4 GB
    • DirectX: Versie 11
    • Netwerk: Breedband-internetverbinding
    • Opslagruimte: 4 GB beschikbare ruimte
    • Aanvullende opmerkingen: 16:9 aspect ratio and controller recommended
    • Besturingssysteem: Windows 11 64-bit
    • Processor: Intel Core i7 10th Gen | AMD Ryzen 7 4700u
    • Geheugen: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070, 6 GB | AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT, 8 GB
    • DirectX: Versie 12
    • Netwerk: Breedband-internetverbinding
    • Opslagruimte: 4 GB beschikbare ruimte
    • Aanvullende opmerkingen: 16:9 aspect ratio and controller recommended

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