“Undergrounded” is a puzzle adventure where you explore a dungeon formed by the accumulation of American history. Become Scott, who wandered underground in search of his lost engagement ring after failing to propose to his girlfriend, and plumb the depths of the past itself with your buddy Canary!
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Plánované datum vydání: 2025

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Informace o hře


Meet Scott, a heartbroken young man whose sweetheart rejected him when he proposed to her.

He goes chasing after the ring that he dropped in a street-side gutter, but what he finds is a mysterious dungeon in which people’s dropped possessions and American history have accumulated like strata of the Earth…

Game Summary

“Undergrounded” is a Puzzle-solving Adventure in which the player plumbs the depths of a dungeon formed by American history folding in on itself like layers of the Earth.

■Explore a Dungeon formed by History

An 80s movie theater and arcade, a space station racing to the moon landing, a roaring twenties speakeasy. On the backdrop of an isometric dungeon reminiscent of the games of yesteryear, find key items emblematic of each era and solve puzzles to advance to the next level!

■Scott’s Personal Growth and a Cast of Characters

As Scott, meet a cast of people searching for lost possessions in the Dungeon. With his buddy Canary by his side, Scott will learn to face his own problems through hearing their stories and helping them overcome their losses.

■Formidable Bosses and Retro Games

Scott must face several powerful bosses in the dungeon that block his way forward. Play various “games within a game” that pay homage to retro games of the 80s to stand up to these mighty bosses!

Systémové požadavky

    • OS: TBA
    • Procesor: TBA
    • Grafická karta: TBA
    • Pevný disk: TBA MB volného místa
    • Zvuková karta: TBA
    • Podpora VR: TBA
    • Dodatečné poznámky: TBA
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