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Ceci est du contenu supplémentaire pour Lost Castle 2. Le jeu de base n'est pas inclus.

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Date de parution :
25 juil. 2024
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Ceci est du contenu supplémentaire pour Lost Castle 2. Le jeu de base n'est pas inclus.

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Comprend 2 article(s) : Lost Castle 2, 失落城堡2 Soundtrack


À propos de ce contenu

Lost Castle 2 Music Collection
Featuring 21 captivating tracks, all music is composed by the talented Chinese music team, Salt Sound Studio. Enjoy your fantastic treasure hunting journey with these immersive and atmospheric tunes that perfectly complement the adventurous spirit of Lost Castle 2!

Each track is carefully crafted to enhance your gameplay experience, whether you're exploring dangerous ruins and castle, battling fierce bosses, or uncovering hidden treasures. Let the music guide you through the challenges and triumphs of your quest.

We also offer high-quality audio downloads in lossless format for audiophiles who want the best sound experience. All music will be downloaded to the music folder in the Steam library directory. For example:
[…]\Steam\steamapps\music\Lost Castle 2 Original Soundtrack

Dive into the world of Lost Castle 2 and let the music inspire your adventures!



Configuration requise

    Minimale :
    • Espace disque : 100 MB d'espace disque disponible
    • Espace disque (audio de haute qualité) : 600 MB d'espace supplémentaire disponible
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