Dear Princes and Princess, a legendary kingdom awaits your inheritance. Your people eagerly await your wisdom and courage. Yet, this journey is fraught with challenges; obstacles will test your resolve. Do not betray the trust your people have in you. Lead them to true greatness!
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Data di rilascio:
marzo 2025

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Data di rilascio prevista: marzo 2025

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Informazioni sul gioco


Text version introduction:

Succession to the throne

No one can resist the temptation of power.

In this game, you will play the role of an heir to a kingdom.

Lead the kingdom to greatness!


Facing difficulties

The continuation of the kingship is not smooth sailing.

Countless difficulties are coming one after another.

You need to carefully balance all aspects of the kingdom.

Treasury, army, people, resources, diplomacy.


Make a choice

Every decision you make will affect the future of your kingdom.

Are you a wise ruler who loves his people like his own children, or one who will do anything to achieve his goals?

Whether you like it or not, you need to make changes.


Multiple endings

Each kingdom has its own story.

Will the kingdom fall? Or rise? Or disappear?

It's all up to you to decide!


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Divulgazione dei contenuti generati dall'IA

Gli sviluppatori descrivono il modo in cui il loro gioco utilizza i contenuti generati dall'IA in questo modo:

In some scenarios, AI will provide inspiration references, and then perform manual production and adjustments to achieve the best results.

Requisiti di sistema

    • Sistema operativo: Windows® 10
    • Processore: A processor with 2GHz or higher
    • Memoria: 4 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: 2GB or more of VRAM
    • Memoria: 2 GB di spazio disponibile
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