A deep, open world life sim and town building game set in a cozy post-apocalyptic paradise. Our two+ hour long demo allows you to explore the world, meet some of our colourful characters AND carry your save straight to the main game!
Minden értékelés:
Nagyon pozitív (96) - E demó 96 felhasználói értékelésének 90%-a pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2024. máj. 30.

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Ingyenes demó

Critter Cove Demo indítása

Teljes játék megnézése


E demóról

The town of Critter Cove used to attract visitors from all over the world. Now it’s mostly known for dirty streets and trash-strewn beaches. Can you help us turn things around?

Critter Cove is a combination life sim and town builder game with a beautiful, handcrafted open world to explore. The demo allows you to fully explore the first two hours of the game and the islands immediately surrounding the main town.

Your demo saves will carry across to the main game!

Venture out into the mysterious tropical archipelago peppered with the ruins of a long-destroyed civilization. Dive beneath the waves to salvage the treasures of the old world. Rescue shipwrecked critters. Unearth exotic ingredients. It’s a wondrous world of mysterious ruins, shipwrecks and ancient technology waiting to be discovered.

As you explore, you’ll find resources to craft hundreds of different items, discover new construction blueprints and bring home unique plants to grow on your farm. Turn mundane salvage into something new and unique, and improve your tourism rating by offering your freshly grown food to visitors.

Create your perfect island persona with our robust customization system. Human or animal? Mammal or reptile? The head of a parrot and the tail of a monkey? It’s entirely up to you! Mix and match your physical attributes to your heart's content and discover that perfect tropical drip with hundreds of outfit combinations to craft and discover.

Coming in the full game this year:

  • Discover abandoned attractions and rebuild them in your town
  • Explore weird and wonderful locations such as a sunken city, and a wild botanical garden
  • Catch some post-apocalyptic fish and discover the best and most unique fishing spots around the world
  • Dismantle items in the open-world to discover new crafting recipes
  • Watch tourists launch themselves into the ocean for entertainment
  • Assign townsfolk careers they’ll love (or hate) depending on their personalities
  • Watch Critters use gifts or wear clothes you make for them
  • Hunt for new residents shipwrecked after storms
  • Cook powerful food items that affect your stamina and exploration prowess
  • Run advertising campaigns to attract more tourists to your island


    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Processzor: Intel Core i3-2100 | AMD FX-6300
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: Nvidia GeForce GTX760+ or AMD Radeon 7950+ equivalent with a minimum 4GB of VRAM
    • DirectX: Verzió: 11
    • Tárhely: 20 GB szabad hely

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