Sheepherds! is a cozy co-op party game where you and your sheepdog buddies guide colorful flocks through beautiful landscapes. Take your time and have fun barking, running and discovering magical places together— or take on challenges to win even more treats!
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Informazioni sul gioco

Sheepherds! is a friendly and playful co-op game for up to four players.

You and your sheepdog buddies guide fluffy flocks through colorful flower fields to dye their wool…and make cool clothes for you and your friends.

Take your time and have fun barking, running and discovering magical places together— or take on challenges to win treats!

Master the flock

The sheep follow and influence each other, just like in real life. Learn to manage them like a good sheepdog, by positioning yourself strategically and barking at just the right moment! Or, just do whatever: after all, you’re a dog.

A friendly, relaxed co-op game

Cooperation means everyone contributes freely to the common goal. No mandatory task-sharing, no peer pressure, no time limit—enjoy an experience where your actions can only have positive effects. Stay friends with your friends!

Spice it up with optional challenges

Add an extra layer of depth with optional challenges designed to test your skills and teamwork. These features provide a rewarding experience for those seeking more engaging gameplay, while remaining entirely optional for a relaxed session.

Not just any dog - your dog 

Turn your well-earned treats into exciting rewards! Unlock a variety of stylish accessories, colorful outfits, unique skins, and even custom bark tones to personalize your sheepdog. Mix and match your favorite combinations to create a look that perfectly reflects your style and makes your dog stand out in the flock.

Requisiti di sistema

    • Sistema operativo: TBD
    • Processore: TBD
    • Memoria: 1 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: TBD
    • Scheda audio: TBD
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