Score goals to paint the arena in the "air hockey platformer" inspired by screen print poster art! Slam and sling dye-soaked pucks in fast-paced 2v2 competition, each match a randomized series of chaotic stages. Drive your color to victory and print a poster unique to your team. First art wins!
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Planlagt utgivelsesdato: 2025

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Om spillet

Blast the puck to push your paint in Dyebreaker, the 4-player arcade air hockey-like. Score goals to paint the arena the color of your team. Win the round to add a layer of detail to your team's screen print poster. First finished poster wins!

  • Arcade precision meets physical chaos: blast your body through the air and slam the puck, or hook and throw it with a satisfying slingshot fling

  • Compete across a huge variety of interactive arenas, every match a series of randomly selected stages and chaotic modifiers

  • Pick from 10 colorful characters across 5 playable teams, with a signature graphic design style unique to each

  • Swap team colors to reskin not just the characters but the entire game

  • Grow from rookie to veteran with tight controls that are simple to understand but rewarding to master

The Arcade Comes Home

Dyebreaker is approachable yet rewarding, lighthearted yet competitive. It's tailor-made for IRL contests between friends and strangers.

The original Dyebreaker arcade cabinet can be found at Wonderville in Brooklyn, NY. This new release adds loads of fresh content to be shared across arcade and PC, as well as some features unique to this home edition:

  • A cavalcade of new stages with new hazards and new ways of manipulating them

  • "Mayhem Modifiers": chaotic effects that have a chance to trigger throughout the match

  • Alternative color palettes for teams and UI

  • CPU opponents

  • Achievements

  • and more!


SteamOS + Linux
    • OS: TBD
    • Prosessor: TBD
    • OS: TBD
    • Prosessor: TBD
* Fra og med den 15. februar 2024 kommer ikke Steam-klienten til å støtte 32-biters spill, eller macOS 10.14 eller lavere.
    • OS: TBD
    • Prosessor: TBD
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