Utilize parkour skills to avoid all obstacles and dangers, and reach the finish line as quickly as possible. With a fragile human body, defy gravity and pursuit, showcase your advanced parkour techniques, and experience the fun and excitement of the sport.
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25. juli 2024

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Se hele Andy Law Games-samlingen på Steam

Køb Xrun3

HK$ 58.00

Om dette spil

#### Game Description

【X run 3】 is a 2D parkour game developed and published by indie game solo developer【Andy Law】 in 2024.

【X run 3】 has no storyline. The only task is to use parkour skills to avoid all obstacles and dangers, and reach the finish line as quickly as possible. Challenge increasingly difficult levels, defy gravity and pursuit with a fragile human body, showcase your advanced parkour skills, and experience the fun and excitement of the sport. Although it's the character on the screen doing the parkour, you can still feel the adrenaline rush, at least I do.

【X run 3】 features 21 licensed music tracks, with an in-game music player that randomly cycles through the tracks, enhancing your parkour practice experience. You can also import your favorite music into the game's music folder. For the first time, 【X run 3】 includes Exclusive license tracks with lyrics, thanks to the rap music artist MOONXI from Chongqing.

【X run 3】 includes a level editor, allowing you to get creative and create new levels when you're tired of the pre-made ones. You can upload your creations to the Workshop to share with everyone or directly subscribe to the excellent works of other authors in the Workshop for a new experience.

【X run 3】supports up to 5 local players playing at the same time, suitable for family parties, family fun


    • Styresystem: windows10
    • Netværk: Bredbåndsinternetforbindelse
    • Styresystem: windows10
    • Netværk: Bredbåndsinternetforbindelse

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