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Run, jump, and deliver the last keg of beer to your boss. A stylized dystopian cyberpunk city presents many various obstacles and opportunities to be the best on the world leaderboard. The best time and every collected beer can count.
Semua Ulasan:
3 ulasan pengguna - Perlu lebih banyak ulasan pengguna untuk menghasilkan skor
Tanggal Rilis:
30 Mei 2024

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Demo Gratis

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Tentang Demo Ini

Discover new mechanics

Each level introduces new obstacles and presents exciting challenges that will test your skills and push you to improve with every step forward.

  • Teleportation

  • Lasers

  • Double jump

  • Bouncers

  • Side scroller level

  • and much more...


Compete against other players and challenge your friends to climb to the top of the leaderboards and prove your skills.

Story - lore

The game is set in a post-cyberpunk era, in the city of NexusPoint Crater after the end of a civil war between human factions and robots. The most powerful figure in the city, Zephyr Sinclair, wants to obtain the last keg of beer from the destroyed brewery in the city. Your task is to bring it to him, if you can do it, you'll gain freedom and break free from slavery to this ruthless man.


Pernyataan Konten Buatan AI

Pengembang menjelaskan bagaimana game mereka menggunakan Konten Buatan AI seperti ini:



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