Seven sinners awaken trapped within a facility. Their captor informs them that freedom will only come when they confess. Explore with escape room style puzzles, lead discussions, and uncover the secrets they desperately wish to hide in this branching path visual novel.
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Infos zum Spiel

Seven sinners awaken within the Moirae facility, where a mysterious figure informs them that the path to freedom will open only when they confess. Explore with escape room style puzzles, lead discussions, and uncover the secrets they desperately wish to hide in this branching path visual novel.

Explore the facility:

Utilize Point & Click gameplay to solve puzzles. Disassemble and combine items, enter passwords, and make a path forward.

Lead discussions:

Select the correct talking points to push conversations in the right direction. Find out the truth behind the captives' circumstances.

Relive memories:

Use the timeline to revisit previously seen paths. Discover the key to freedom.

Beschreibung nicht jugendfreier Inhalte

Der Entwickler beschreibt die Inhalte wie folgt:

The full game contains light screen shaking, some flashing images, graphic depictions of death, violence, suicide, bullying, mentions of child abuse, and other triggering content. Viewer discretion is advised.


    • Betriebssystem *: Windows 7 or higher
    • Prozessor: Intel Pentium, AMD Athlon
    • Arbeitsspeicher: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafik: Geforce 980, AMD Radeon 7850, Intel Iris
    • Speicherplatz: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
* Ab dem 1. Januar 2024 unterstützt der Steam-Client nur noch Windows 10 und neuere Versionen.
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