Aki is 24 years old, working as the madam and hottest hostess at a fancy nightclub. Beneath the glamorous facade she puts on at night, she's actually an introverted homebody. This heartwarming visual novel explores love, desire, and the dog-eat-dog world of the urban jungle!
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Data di rilascio:
Q2 2025

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Data di rilascio prevista: Q2 2025

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Descrizione del contenuto per adulti

Ecco come gli sviluppatori descrivono questi contenuti:

The game contains Nudity or Sexual Content, All characters are over 20 years old. Include missionary position, foreign object insertion, masturbate, vibrator play, derogatory language, alcohol.And foreign object invasion, violence,
abuse, personality humiliation, rape.

Informazioni sul gioco

Game Overview

Homebody Hostess is a visual novel set within the backdrop of nightclub culture. Play as the female protagonist Aki and experience life as a nightclub's hotshot hostess, and her love-hate relationship with a debtor (who happens to be her boss). She's the most requested hostess at the nightclub and is also its highest earner. However, when she's off work and being her real self, she's just an introverted homebody. In order to deal with her family's debt, she's forced to do some things she'd rather not. You'll be there to witness and empathize with Aki and her struggles...

Character Introduction

Aki is 24 years old, and to deal with her family's debt, she's been forced to work as a nightclub hostess and madam. All the customers are easily smitten with Aki's natural aloofness and loving aura, so it's no surprise she's always the nightclub's top earner. After her debtor/boss discovers her masochistic tendencies, he starts putting incredible pressure on her to make more. If she doesn't reach her target, she gets a spanking for being a naughty girl. But if she does, he gives her that yummy, sweet candy stick...

Alas! Aki's actually just an introverted homebody who doesn't care that much about her appearance. Throughout the game, you'll learn that some hot hostesses aren't actually all about that dazzling nightlife.

Requisiti di sistema

    • Sistema operativo *: Windows7/8/10
    • Processore: Intel Core i3
    • Memoria: 4 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 / AMD Radeon HD 6870 DirectX 版本: 11
    • Memoria: 4 GB di spazio disponibile
    • Scheda audio: DirectSound
    • Sistema operativo *: Windows7/8/10
    • Processore: Intel Core i3
    • Memoria: 8 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 / AMD Radeon HD 6870 DirectX 版本: 11
    • Memoria: 8 GB di spazio disponibile
    • Scheda audio: DirectSound
* A partire dal 1° gennaio 2024, il client di Steam supporta solo Windows 10 e versioni successive.
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