MARCH FOR YOUR GOD VITRIOL is a physics based VR movement shooter. Combining speed and visceral combat with the presence and physicality of VR through physics and retro coat of paint.
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Prossimamente in accesso anticipato

Gli sviluppatori di questo gioco intendono rilasciarlo come ancora in fase di sviluppo, in cui si tiene conto del feedback dei giocatori.

Nota: i giochi in accesso anticipato non sono completi e potrebbero subire modifiche in futuro, oppure rimanere incompleti. Se non vuoi giocare a questo gioco nel suo stato attuale, ti conviene aspettare per vedere se sarà sviluppato ulteriormente. Altre informazioni

Cosa dicono gli sviluppatori:

Perché l'accesso anticipato?

“This is a large project and being just one person, it's going to take a while to create. Over this time I want to be able to release progress made and consider feedback from the community.”

Per quanto tempo questo gioco rimarrà in accesso anticipato?

“The game will likely be in early access for roughly 4 years however the demo will release in approximately a year and the first early access release in roughly another 2.”

Quali saranno le differenze fra la versione completa e quella in accesso anticipato?

“Naturally we plan to add more content by way of weapons and levels.
I want to push the speed and intricacy of combat that can be effectively achieved in VR with each release.”

Qual è lo stato attuale della versione in accesso anticipato?

“Still very early in production, the first 7th of the game in near completion. In terms of mechanics 2 of roughly 8 weapons have been fully developed with a very near complete movement and grappling hook system.”

Il prezzo del gioco varierà durante e dopo l'accesso anticipato?

“Pricing will increase gradually as more content and features are released”

Come pensi di coinvolgere la Comunità durante il processo di sviluppo?

“Community feedback is going to be essential in developing the mechanics of this game. More than anything else the gameplay itself will be fretted over and tweaked constantly to push the boundaries of speed and flow in VR combat”
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Informazioni sul gioco



VITRIOL is a physics based VR movement shooter. Combining speed and visceral combat with the presence and physicality of VR through physics and retro coat of paint.

Fast and Loose - Long strides and Heavy Blows churn through the wretched horde with a freedom and ease VR is yet to experience.

Hand to Skull - Physics based Enemies and an in-depth elbow estimation system provide a physicality and presence to the combat which enhances gameplay beyond what was previously possible.

Blood, Fire and Pillars of Smoke - Sinners malformed, The Righteous Risen. The Wrath of God in Iron Men. All this scored by a soundtrack that hits just as hard, drowned in a haze just as thick. 

Descrizione del contenuto per adulti

Ecco come gli sviluppatori descrivono questi contenuti:

Questo gioco potrebbe includere contenuti non adatti a tutte le età o alla visione sul posto di lavoro: Violenza frequente o sangue, Contenuti per adulti

Requisiti di sistema

    • Sistema operativo: Windows 10
    • Processore: Intel i5 7600 3.5ghz+
    • Memoria: 8 GB di RAM
    • Scheda video: GTX 1070 / 1660TI (6GB VRAM)
    • DirectX: Versione 11
    • Memoria: 1 GB di spazio disponibile
    • Scheda audio: Big Old Loud One
    • Compatibilità VR: SteamVR or OpenXR
    • Note aggiuntive: CPU performance required for physics calculations! SSD Required, 32GB Windows Virtual Memory Cache
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