Enter a world of immersive infiltration action and intense gunplay in this VR FPS action shooter.
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Незабаром у дочасному доступі

Розробники цієї гри планують випустити її як незавершений проект і допрацьовувати з допомогою гравців.

Увага: ігри з дочасним доступом не завершені й надалі можуть як істотно змінюватися, так і ні. Якщо вам не дуже кортить грати в цю гру в її поточному стані, краще зачекайте, доки вона не набуде довершенішого вигляду. Докладніше

Що бажають сказати розробники:

Чому дочасний доступ?

«We have diverse plans for our game. Before completing everything we've planned, we aim to gather feedback from users through Early Access, in order to make our game more in line with what users desire and more enjoyable.»

Як довго гра буде у дочасному доступі?

«We don't have an exact date range for this goal, but we're aiming for a year, and in the meantime, we'll continue to improve the game with regular updates and improvements.»

Чим повна версія гри буде відрізнятися від версії для дочасного доступу?

«We plan to accommodate user feedback to increase game content and fun through early access.»

Який поточний стан версії для дочасного доступу?

«- Lobby
- In-Game - Part of Episode 1
- Gameplay : This game is a single player game. You start in the lobby, which is a briefing room, and then you are taken to the main menu screen, where the episodes are introduced. Each episode has a mission. You can select an episode to progress through the game.

In the demo, there are points where you are automatically transported to the rails and points where you are free to move around. As you move around the map in the episode, you'll experience defeating robot guards, picking up loot, and escaping.»

Чи буде відрізнятися ціна гри протягом дочасного доступу та після його завершення?

«The game's price during Early Access may be subject to change upon its final official release, potentially increasing due to the addition of new content and modes.
However, there will be no additional cost for Early Access purchasers.»

Як ви плануєте залучати спільноту до розробки гри?

«We are planning to operate a Discord server to collect feedback through Discord. The Steam community will also serve as an excellent means of communication for us. In addition, we will actively engage through email and reviews as well.»
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Про цю гру

Enter a world of immersive infiltration action and intense gunplay in this VR FPS action shooter.

Infiltrate mission locations and acquire valuable items such as treasure, information, and other important assets while avoiding overwhelming guards and security measures. Each episode features a new mission, forcing players to rely on sneaking and shooting to succeed.

VR gunfights provide a dynamic gameplay experience. Equip a variety of weapons, including pistols and assault rifles, and navigate immersive environments filled with the dangers of gunplay. Dodge physically, aim quickly, and take down enemies in breathtaking virtual reality environments, and enjoy the fun of gunfights.

Системні вимоги

    • ОС: Windows 10 (64bit)
    • Процесор: Intel I5-10500
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 8 GB ОП
    • Відеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce 1060
    • Місце на диску: 8 GB доступного місця
    • Підтримка ВР: SteamVR
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