Embark on a whimsical adventure with a capybara pup and a clever crow as they set off to find their way home! Sniff, dig, and explore a vibrant world brimming with wonder, challenges, and heartwarming friendships at every turn.
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Ngày dự kiến phát hành: Chuẩn bị công bố

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Về trò chơi này

Curiosity Isn't Just For Cats

Capy Castaway is a narrative adventure game that rewards curiosity with delight and consequence. What would happen if you shook that tree, or threw away a character's favourite toy? Invoke the playful nature of a capybara pup discovering a whole new world and the advice of a crow who enables mischievous behaviour. 

Two Heads are Better Than One

Capy and Crow are an unlikely duo, but using their combined skills, they can help each other out! While Capy can push heavier objects, sniff out treasure, and dig with their little paws, you can fly Crow independently across short distances or to higher, hard-to-reach places. 

Work together to explore the island, clear obstacles, and help out the locals...all while trying to find your own way home!

A Familiar Fable

The world of Capy Castaway is inspired by the earliest memories of childhood, when every found object was a treasure and every new area a discovery. As much as the story is a coming-of-age for our protagonists, it's also about the consequences of how our actions truly affect the world around us. 

Like most fables, there are lessons to be learned, characters to befriend, and a mystery to solve. 

Yêu cầu hệ thống

    Tối thiểu:
    • HĐH: Windows 10
    • Bộ xử lý: 1.6 GHz (Intel Core i3 or equivalent)
    • Bộ nhớ: 4 GB RAM
    • Đồ họa: OpenGL 2.0 Compatible Graphics Card
    • Lưu trữ: 2 GB chỗ trống khả dụng
    • Card âm thanh: Stereo
    Tối thiểu:
    • HĐH: High Sierra 10.13+
    • Bộ xử lý: Apple Silicon, x64 architecture with SSE2.
    • Bộ nhớ: 4 GB RAM
    • Đồ họa: Metal capable Intel and AMD GPUs
    • Lưu trữ: 2 GB chỗ trống khả dụng
    • Card âm thanh: Stereo
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