A suite of turn based games and puzzles on a spherical grid: Chess, Go, and Othello.
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A bundle of games on a spherical Grid. Chess, Go, and Othello. Challenge your friends and break your brain! Play locally or through steam multiplayer.


A variant of Chess on an icosphere grid! See how the traditional chess pieces behave when their movement rules unfold onto a more complicated sphere. The board is set up on a fully interactive 3d rendered chess board with 122 tiles. Two players take turns moving one of six types of pieces. Each player starts with one king, one queen, one bishop, one rook, two knights, and ten pawns.

Learn visualization of the moves with randomly generated Chess Solitaire puzzles that get progressively harder.


A variant of Go played on an icosphere grid with 122 intersection points. Two players take turns placing stones at the grid intersections. The rules of placing, taking, and removing pieces are built into the game, but the players can decide to pass to end the game early. Win by establishing the most territory. Scoring uses the Territory scoring method, with detection of dead or alive groups.


A variant of Othello played on an icosphere grid. Two players take turns placing discs. When a disc is placed, it flips all the discs along the line between it and any other of that player's discs. Player with the most discs at the end of the game wins.


    • Käyttöjärjestelmä: Windows 10
    • Suoritin: Ryzen 2400G
    • Muisti: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafiikka: Ryzen 2400G
    • Tallennus: 256 MB kiintolevytilaa
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