A dynamic soft-body physics vehicle simulator capable of doing just about anything.
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Overvældende positive (8,778) - 98% af de 8,778 brugeranmeldelser fra de seneste 30 dage er positive.
Alle anmeldelser:
Overvældende positive (267,839) - 97% af de 267,839 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
29. maj 2015

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Hvad udviklerne har at sige:

Hvorfor tidlig adgang?

“We want your support and feedback! We are a small team with big ambitions, and we want to share our work with you so we can continue development with your support and feedback in mind.”

Hvor lang tid vil dette spil være i tidlig adgang?

“It is difficult to give an exact number, but probably at least 12 months before we could call the game "beta" (feature-complete). Even then, development will probably go on for years, as the potential of our engine is extremely vast.”

Hvorledes kommer den fulde version til at være anderledes end produktet i tidlig adgang?

“We hope to make the full version into a fully-fledged open-world vehicle simulator, with a career mode involving various vehicular disciplines and event types, and other gameplay modes.”

Hvad er den nuværende tilstand for versionen med tidlig adgang?

“It is currently a sandbox vehicle simulator with a wide variety of vehicles and terrains, with lots of modding potential and some very basic gameplay.”

Ændrer spillets pris sig under og efter tidlig adgang?

“The price may go up as development reaches certain milestones.”

Hvordan har I tænkt jer at involvere fællesskabet i jeres udviklingsproces?

“We always take suggestions and feedback from the community and try to satisfy our customers as best as we can.”
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Køb BeamNG.drive

HK$ 156.00
HK$ 124.80
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“The Most Impressive Physics Engine You've Never Seen”

“BeamNG's Amazingly Realistic Car Crashes”

“Amazing Car Crashes + Hilarious Greenlight Trailer = Magic”

Om dette spil

BeamNG.drive is an incredibly realistic driving game with near-limitless possibilities. Our soft-body physics engine simulates every component of a vehicle in real time, resulting in true-to-life behavior. With years of meticulous design, intensive research and experience, the simulation authentically recreates the excitement of real world driving.

Why is BeamNG.drive the game for you?

Soft-body physics: The BeamNG physics engine is at the core of the most detailed and authentic vehicle simulation you've ever seen in a game. Crashes feel visceral, as the game uses an incredibly accurate damage model.

Vehicles: BeamNG.drive offers dozens of refined, totally customizable vehicles for you to experiment with. Whether it's a compact car or massive truck, you can tweak away at all the moving parts to create just about any driving experience you want. Wheels, suspension, engines, and more; everything is under your control.

Environments: There's plenty to discover as you drive. Featuring 12 sprawling, beautiful open-world environments, the terrain feels as vast and diverse as the gameplay options. Test out your new setup through tropical jungle passages, barren deserts, urban boulevards, fast highways, and much more.

More features

Game Modes: This goes far deeper than your standard driving simulator. The range of gameplay options are exceptional, whether that's taking on a simple delivery mission or creating an entire map to test out new car builds.

  • Free Roam: Don't want to feel limited? Take any vehicle to your destination of choice and start exploring. Experimentation is also key in this game mode, as objects and environmental conditions can be manipulated. Try revving up wind speeds for a challenge, or altering gravity!
  • Scenarios: BeamNG.drive offers loads of scenarios for every type of driving enthusiast out there. You can complete a truck delivery request as fast and efficiently as possible, or outrun police cruisers in a hot pursuit. No matter the situation, the realistic physics engine will engage and immerse you in the experience.
  • Time Trials: Choose a vehicle, environment, and route and put yourself to the test! Refine your skills and compete against yourself while improving your best time.

Modding and Community Content: We're proud of our vibrant community of enthusiasts that spark great conversation, while also creating interesting vehicle builds, terrains, and scenarios for others to enjoy. The modding capabilities in BeamNG.drive are vast, allowing you to customize and fine-tune just about anything. With our out-of-the-box World Editor everyone can put a twist on their in-game experience.

Automation: We've partnered with Automation - the car company tycoon game - to allow players to export their creations into BeamNG.drive. If you own Automation, it's a fairly simple process: design your custom car and engine, tailor everything to your specifications, choose the "export" option, start up BeamNG.drive, and you'll be able to find your latest creation in the vehicle list!

Freedom: What sets BeamNG.drive apart from other automotive games is player freedom. It’s about doing nearly anything you can think of with a car or truck and seeing it play out in the most realistic way possible. With our soft-body physics engine and modding capabilities, you can come up with any scenario imaginable. It's not just about the vehicles, it's about taking advantage of the expansive and customizable open world to create the driving experience you envision. Combining industry-leading physics, endless customization, and tight-knit community means that BeamNG.drive is the most comprehensive and flat-out fun vehicle simulator you will ever play.


    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
    • Styresystem *: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 64-bit
    • Processor: AMD FX 6300 3.5Ghz / Intel Core i3-6300 3.8Ghz
    • Hukommelse: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafik: Radeon HD 7750 / Nvidia GeForce GTX 550 Ti
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Diskplads: 45 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
    • Styresystem: Windows 10 64 Bit
    • Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 3.0Ghz / Intel Core i7-6700 3.4Ghz (or better)
    • Hukommelse: 32 GB RAM
    • Grafik: AMD R9 290 / Nvidia GeForce GTX 970
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • Diskplads: 50 GB tilgængelig plads
    • Yderligere bemærkninger: Recommended spec based on 1080p resolution. Installing game mods will increase required storage space. Gamepad recommended.
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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