An adult touch simulation game. -- You are in a political crisis after taking advantage of the king's illness to run the government as you see fit. Fortunately, you come across a mysterious ring that has the power to ensnare the hearts of others, which alters your destiny.
Recent Reviews:
Very Positive (10) - 80% of the 10 user reviews in the last 30 days are positive.
All Reviews:
Very Positive (108) - 84% of the 108 user reviews for this game are positive.
Release Date:
7 Jun, 2024

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Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

This game contains explicit sexual content that is meant for adults only.

All characters depicted are 18 or older.

This game contains adult themes including: Bondage, Nonconsensual Sex.

About This Game

You are Cabinet Minister Dantes of the Wahrsenraiz Empire. You've taken advantage of the emperor's failing health to run the government how you see fit—and to line your own pockets. But now, Princess Tiana—the emperor's sole daughter and heir—and her retainers are threatening your position. The three of them plan to bring your corruption to light and oust you from government. Just as the noose seems ready to tighten around your neck, you discover a magic ring that promises you the power to ensnare the hearts of women. Will the ring's power allow you to turn the tables on your accusers and seize the empire for yourself?

Training in session!
It's your job to train the princess and her retainers in an animated touch-simulation minigame! Manage their arousal and pain as you poke and prod the most delicate parts of their bodies.

Gain experience!
Enhance your sexual abilities to make the girls putty in your hands and win their obedience. Arouse the girls with techniques and items and then bring them to climax again and again!

It's a race against the clock!
You have only a limited amount of time to break the princess and make her yours. Fail and you'll lose everything you've schemed for.

System Requirements

    • OS *: Windows® 7/8/8.1/10/11
    • Processor: Intel Core2 Duo or better
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: DirectX 9/OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU
    • DirectX: Version 9.0
    • Storage: 3 GB available space
    • Additional Notes: 1280x768 or better Display. Lag may occur from loading menus or maps. Turn off other programs before running the game.
    • OS *: Windows® 7/8/8.1/10/11
    • Processor: 2+ GHz Processor
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: OpenGL ES 2.0 hardware driver support required for WebGL acceleration. (AMD Catalyst 10.9, nVidia 358.50)
    • DirectX: Version 9.0
    • Storage: 4 GB available space
    • Additional Notes: 1280x768 or better Display. Lag may occur from loading menus or maps. Turn off other programs before running the game.
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.

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