Todomiro is a cozy adventure with a magical zooming ability. Change perspective from the cosmos in all of its glory to a tiny world hidden inside the drink of an ant
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Peli ei ole vielä saatavilla Steamissä

Suunniteltu julkaisupäivä: 2025

Lisää toivelistallesi, niin saat ilmoituksen, kun peli on saatavilla.
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Tietoa pelistä

Todomiro is a cozy adventure with a magical zooming ability. Change perspective from the cosmos in all of its glory to a tiny world hidden inside the drink of an ant. Explore your inner flâneur through this relaxing world full of charm, goofs, and of course, gags.

Explore A World Full Of Cool Stuff to Do

Befriend the little people of the planets. Help a lady cross the street or a man make a sandwich, but not all problems are equal, some people have become possessed and you'll need some magic to save them.

Multiple planets full of things to do and explore

  • Talk with the creatures of the planets and make friends
  • Solve mysterious puzzles
  • Idle and active minigames - go fishing, farming or hit the mole
  • Use the environment as musical instruments


    • Käyttöjärjestelmä *: Windows 7
    • Grafiikka: Support for OpenGL 3.3
* 1.1.24 alkaen Steam-asiakasohjelma tukee vain Windows 10:tä ja uudempia versioita.
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