If you have ideas about stocks, you should buy this game. Before you use real money to verify your ideas, come here to verify them. It provides 1-minute data for nearly 20 years of mainstream markets, as well as conditional order functions. There is also unrealistic simulated stock trading.
All Reviews:
Mostly Positive (16) - 75% of the 16 user reviews for this game are positive.
Release Date:
6 Jun, 2024

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Early Access Game

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Note: Games in Early Access are not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more

What the developers have to say:

Why Early Access?

“1.At the outset of game design, the initial positioning was as a rigorous stock market simulation game. Players would experience the unpredictability of stock trends much like in the real world, despite these trends having their own logic. However, since this is a game, I intend to make some adjustments to the game's positioning to enhance its playability.
2. During the testing process of the demo, I found that there were shortcomings in the interaction between the game and the players. I hope to enhance this interaction and strengthen the game's feedback to the players.
3.There was insufficient time for game testing, and there are likely still quite a few bugs. I aim to minimize these bugs as much as possible before the official release.”

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

“I plan to continue for two months.”

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

“I will strive to improve the playability of the game and the interaction between the game and the players.
I hope to further improve events and will carefully consider expanding event content to make this part richer.”

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

“At present, the beta version is a free and open game where players can freely buy and sell stocks in the game, and event content has also been added for players to participate in.”

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

“We plan to gradually increase the price with the release of new content and features.”

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

“I will pay attention to player feedback in the community every day. Bugs can be submitted to the community, and ideas or opinions about the game can also be submitted to the community. I will carefully consider these issues and provide appropriate solutions.”
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About This Game

This game features an elaborate and self-contained economic simulation system, aiming to replicate real-world economic dynamics within a virtual setting and establishing a stock market platform on that basis.

Macroeconomic elements include raw materials, products, consumer prices, population levels, and bank loan interest rates. The capacity of the market, the prices of raw materials and products, as well as competitors' strategies significantly affect corporate growth. A company's stock price is influenced not only by its business performance but also by the formation and burst of market bubbles. In the game, you must decide whether to pursue long-term value investing or to cash out quickly before a bubble bursts.

As an ordinary investor in the game, you have a job that just covers your basic living expenses. Daily expenses are inevitable, and budget control is crucial. Increasing consumption levels can reduce daily life consumption (extending your in-game lifespan) and boost your credit score. Your credit score, based on your total assets, enhances your purchasing power, allowing you to buy stocks on credit when your assets are insufficient.

However, prudent position management is essential; debt entails paying bank interest, and a decline in stock prices—or an increase when short selling—can diminish your asset value, potentially leading to a margin call. If you're leveraged too high, you might be forced to sell your stocks, incurring significant financial losses. Therefore, balancing risk and devising careful strategies is key to success in the game.

AI Generated Content Disclosure

The developers describe how their game uses AI Generated Content like this:

The game does not contain any AI-generated content in real-time, but it does feature music produced using AI. The game's music was created through suno.ai, where I am a paying member. The website assures that paying members have the right to use the generated music for commercial purposes.
In terms of images, the game uses a picture of a dog in a suit that is AI-generated. For the shop interface, all images related to appearances are also AI-generated. The AI images were created on https://www.artbreeder.com, and I am a paid member of that website.

System Requirements

    • OS: windows10
    • Processor: i5
    • Memory: 1 GB RAM
    • Graphics: 1060
    • Storage: 600 MB available space

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