Embark on a quest for revenge in a city where your nemesis is already slain. Framed for murder, solve looping cases with a unique twist. Explore, interrogate, and customize your character in this TRPG-style narrative with multiple endings. Unearth conspiracies in this captivating adventure.
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Data lansării:
26 mai 2025

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În curând în acces timpuriu

Dezvoltatorii acestui joc intenționează să-l lanseze ca un proiect în curs de dezvoltare, care va evolua pe baza feedbackului primit de la jucători.

Notă: jocurile aflate în acces timpuriu nu sunt complete și se pot schimba sau nu pe viitor. Dacă nu ești dornic să joci acest titlu în stadiul său actual, atunci ar trebui să aștepți pentru a vedea dacă jocul va ajunge într-un stadiu mai avansat al dezvoltării. Află mai multe

Ce au de spus producătorii:

De ce Acces Timpuriu ?

„Your feedback is our compass, steering us towards refining and enhancing gameplay, features, and story elements. I believe Early Access can play a pivotal role in crafting the final release, ensuring this detective adventure becomes truly unforgettable. Join us on this journey!”

Aproximativ cât timp se va afla acest joc în Acces Timpuriu?

„We anticipate the game being in Early Access for approximately 6-12 months before the full release. During this time, we'll be actively engaging with the community, incorporating valuable feedback, and fine-tuning the game to deliver an exceptional final product.”

Ce diferențe vor fi între versiunea completă, finală și cea aflată în Acces Timpuriu?

„In the full version, we plan to add depth with new chapters and enhanced features.”

Care este starea actuală a versiunii aflate în Acces Timpuriu?

„The Early Access version is in a polished state, with all major features functioning properly. Players can currently enjoy gameplay up to chapter 2 out of 4.”

Va avea jocul aflat în Acces Timpuriu un preț diferit față de versiunea finală?

„Yes, the game will be priced at a lower rate during Early Access. Upon the full release, there will be an increase in the price.”

Cum dorești să implici comunitatea în procesul tău de dezvoltare?

„We'll use the Steam Community to keep players updated and gather feedback, with monthly updates in the devlog. For those interested in more frequent updates, feel free to check our Twitter for additional insights and behind-the-scenes details.”
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Descarcă Kill The Clock Demo

Acest joc nu este încă disponibil pe Steam

Dată de lansare planificată: 26 mai 2025

Acest joc este planificat să fie disponibil în aproximativ 2 luni

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Gameplay Video Distribution Guidelines

Permission is granted for the release and monetization of videos and live streaming content, whether by individuals or corporations.

Currently, since only the demo version is available, you are free to stream the entire gameplay. However, after the official release, we kindly ask that you refrain from sharing spoilers about the ending of the final chapter (Chapter 4). Thank you.

Despre acest joc

Embark on a journey to the city with the intent to eliminate your nemesis. However, he has already fallen victim to another, and you find yourself wrongly accused of the murder.

A stolen opportunity for revenge and an unjust murder charge. And as you unveil the true culprit, time rewinds...

Discover the concealed truth within a looped timeline and events.

Key Features:
Looping Detective Game: Solve one case, and as time resets, immerse yourself in solving recurring cases to unveil hidden truths previously unknown. While the same victim always meets demise, the murderer and method differ, providing a unique and gripping experience.

Adventure: Explore diverse locations in town, gather case clues, engage in conversations, and track down suspects.

Interrogation and Mindreading: Detect suspicious cues during conversations, interrogate individuals with appropriate evidence, and expose concealed truths. Utilize psychic readings to fathom your opponent's true state of mind and leverage it to your advantage.

TRPG: Customize your character's gender, stats, and skills, then roll the dice to determine your actions. The success or failure of your skills dictates your actions and steers the storyline.

Multi-Ending: Each chapter boasts multiple endings based on your decisions, actions, and relationships with characters. Unravel repeated murders and unearth hidden conspiracies and truths!

Cerințe de sistem

    • SO: Windows 10(64-BIT Required)
    • Procesor: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • Memorie: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafică: OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU
    • Stocare: 4 GB spațiu disponibil
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