"Ancient Cultivatrix" is a Roguelite cultivation game with tower defense elements. The world was corrupted by chaos and became utterly depraved. Please gather the surviving cultivatrices and unite them. Enhance Taoist energy and spiritual prowess together, gradually uncovering the elusive truth.
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Data lansării:
2 ian. 2025

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În curând în acces timpuriu

Dezvoltatorii acestui joc intenționează să-l lanseze ca un proiect în curs de dezvoltare, care va evolua pe baza feedbackului primit de la jucători.

Notă: jocurile aflate în acces timpuriu nu sunt complete și se pot schimba sau nu pe viitor. Dacă nu ești dornic să joci acest titlu în stadiul său actual, atunci ar trebui să aștepți pentru a vedea dacă jocul va ajunge într-un stadiu mai avansat al dezvoltării. Află mai multe

Ce au de spus producătorii:

De ce Acces Timpuriu ?

„We hope to collect more feedback from players on the game's editor and gameplay experience, so that bugs and optimizations can be adjusted and corrected in time. At the same time, we will work with players who like this type of game to improve the game content, so that Chinese independent games can go to the world!”

Aproximativ cât timp se va afla acest joc în Acces Timpuriu?

„At present, the planned content of the game is about 70%, and we need to consider evaluating the actual development content according to the player and our own optimization of the game experience during the early access process, which is expected to take about six months to one year.”

Ce diferențe vor fi între versiunea completă, finală și cea aflată în Acces Timpuriu?

„We plan to improve the overall features of the game in the full version. The full version will add more copies, characters, and monsters, as well as add more game systems, such as the Formation of the system, the God
In addition, we will constantly strive to optimize the game and fix problems based on player feedback, hoping to bring players a more interesting and smooth experience.”

Care este starea actuală a versiunii aflate în Acces Timpuriu?

„The game is currently about 50% planned. Players can experience 5 characters and 10 skills, can be roguelike through more than 9 combat levels, including a variety of types of monsters, monsters, elites, bosses, mouse click to attack,esc open the menu, currently completed the battle gameplay related content, including character combat skills, Monsters, replica levels, real-time combat, etc., although the overall game is far from the plan, but the early access version of the current game content, has been able to provide the player base experience and relatively perfect combat experience, I hope to get the recognition and love of players.”

Va avea jocul aflat în Acces Timpuriu un preț diferit față de versiunea finală?

„After the early access period ends, the price will increase as the game expands.”

Cum dorești să implici comunitatea în procesul tău de dezvoltare?

„We will carefully read every comment and feedback from players in the community to fix bugs and improve the game experience in a timely manner. At the same time, I hope you love our game players can join our official QQ group, post bar, public number, B station, Weibo, in order to increase our communication opportunities. Here I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the vast number of players, who have made Chinese independent games shine and go to the world.”
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Vezi întreaga colecție 五条虾仁(5 shrimps) pe Steam
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Dată de lansare planificată: 2 ian. 2025

Acest joc este planificat să fie disponibil în aproximativ 2 săptămâni

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Despre acest joc

  • Welcome to our community:  

When you first awaken on the blood-stained altar, you're bewildered.
But by the tenth resurrection, you've mastered the secret of escaping death.
"As payment, offer me the Lifespan crystalline..." the altar whispers in your ear.
"If you are truly the Chosen One, then I am at your service," the cultivatrix vows before you.
In "Ancient Cultivatrix," assist the cultivatrix in honing their Taoist energy and advancing their spiritual journey. Perhaps this time, you'll unveil the enigmatic truth.

Encounter with Fair Maiden

By a twist of fate, you encounter some young girls. Through daily interactions, you gradually earn their trust and reliance. However, in this fallen realm, formidable foes lurk at every turn, this cultivation adventure is fraught with challenges.
To nurture the potential of these cultivatrices and study the ancient arts of cultivation together. You might even reach the threshold of the divine realm.

Fire Projectiles to Fight

  • 30+ monster encyclopedia: Those who glimpsed the Old Ones have been corrupted into malevolent minions. This forbidden land is rife with danger, and fierce battles are inevitable.

  • 10+ The Old Fallen Lord: These bosses are forbidden entities, wandering in the abyss. Defeat them before the world crumbles...

You'll lead an elite squad, carving a bloody path to victory. In the later stages, an Endless Purgatory challenge mode is also included to play through!

Flexible Matching Strategies

  • 25+ combat systems: Five types of weapons combined with five elemental attributes give rise to dozens of skills, helping you gain a strategic advantage.

  • 20+ bond system: Tides' chant, Fine star blade... These talents each excel in different battle situations. But it's up to you, the leader, to make crucial decisions.

  • 150+ ancient artifacts: Wind-borne chime, arctic fox skull... These items, long forgotten in the corners of battlefields, silently await the next host.

Refine an Elixir and Sell It

After your adventures, your backpack is crammed with sticky eyeballs and sharp fangs. Use them to refine elixirs, mastering this ancient art until you reach the pinnacle of perfection.
Meanwhile, mysterious strangers await outside, crave for your elixirs. Trade with them to obtain Lifespan crystalline, and sacrifice it to the altar to gain mysterious powers.

"Ethereal essence fuels our advance, Endless path through time and space."
After all, in this corrupted and decaying fallen world, this is the only way to gain power without pain or hidden dangers...

Informații despre conținutul generat de IA

Dezvoltatorii descriu astfel conținutul generat de IA pentru jocul lor:

Part of the screen is assisted by AI

Cerințe de sistem

    • SO *: Windows 7 64-bit or higher
    • Procesor: Intel Core i3 or later
    • Grafică: Intel Grahics Series
    • Stocare: 5 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Note adiționale: 1920*1080 or the same scale resolution
    • SO *: Windows 7 64-bit or higher
    • Procesor: Intel Core i5 or later
    • Grafică: Nvidia GeForce GT520 or above
    • Stocare: 5 GB spațiu disponibil
    • Note adiționale: 1920*1080 or the same scale resolution
* Începând cu 1 ianuarie 2024, clientul Steam va fi compatibil numai cu Windows 10 și versiunile ulterioare.
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