BALLIONAIRE is a fast-paced, kinetic roguelike where strategy meets physics to create outrageous wealth! Find and exploit game-breaking synergies as you theorycraft your way to victory. Welcome to the autobonker genre!
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Data lansării:
10 dec. 2024

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Cumpără Ballionaire

OFERTĂ DE LANSARE! Se încheie la 24 decembrie

HK$ 83.00
HK$ 67.23

Cumpără LBALionaire SET (?)

Include 2 produse: Ballionaire, Luck be a Landlord

HK$ 149.00
HK$ 119.91

Cumpără Dungeon Arcade SET (?)

Include 2 produse: Dungeon Clawler, Ballionaire

HK$ 149.00
HK$ 119.91

Cumpără Dungeons & Degenerate Bonkers SET (?)

Include 2 produse: Ballionaire, Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers

HK$ 178.00
HK$ 146.01


“building a brilliant board of pegs that leaves you rolling in cash feels amazing...”
8 – God is a Geek

“I just can't get enough of Ballionaire”
8 – GameSpew

“Ballionaire presents a clever containment of order and chaos that makes it stand out from the pack”
7 – Screen Rant

Despre acest joc

Ballionaire is a physics-driven roguelike full of kinetic chaos! Build the perfect pachinko board and trigger insane combos. Break the game with rule-bending boons. Overcome arduous tribulations as you climb the ranks of the Ballionaires.

Welcome to the autobonker genre!


  • Bonk Your Way to Victory: Drop a ball to bonk triggers, earn money, and spawn more balls! Draft new triggers each round to increase the chaos and your earnings! Build an overpowered scoring engine or an unstoppable spawn spammer! Or maybe both?

  • Satisfy the ELDERS’ Monetary Demands: Each run, survive by paying tribute to three ELDERS. They’ll challenge you by introducing devious game-changing TRIBULATIONS. Fail and PERISH. Succeed and you’ll become a BALLIONAIRE - then try a new way to win!

  • Master Multiple Boards: You've built the perfect layout on the Pyramid, but what happens when up is down on the Danger Wheel? Can you make a skill shot on the Pinball table? Highly varied game boards require fresh theorycrafting!

  • 125+ Triggers, 50+ Boons: Spawn Eggs with a Chicken, cut Coins in half with an Axe, feed a Whale until it blows every ball back out! Get a second chance with the Boomerang, double your bonks with the Eject Button, and keep your board running smoothly with the Air Conditioner. Win with food, win with weapons… whatever you choose, just make sure you appease the Elders!

  • Play In A Sandbox: Experiment in the Laballatory - hone your theory-crafting before a run, make a meme, or build an impossibly busted board. Share your board with friends and see who can rack up the biggest bucks!!

  • Mod Support within a week: Dream up your own triggers and bring them to life with Ballionaire’s Lua-based custom content API. Share custom starter packs you've found helpful!

  • Ballionaire is designed to deliver endless replayability and satisfying, brain-tickling fun!

Cerințe de sistem

    • SO: 10+
    • Procesor: Intel based
    • Memorie: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafică: 2 GB VRAM
    • Stocare: 350 MB spațiu disponibil

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