Become a professional hunter of monstrous enigmatic creatures through an anthology of hunts that mix cards and "choose your own adventure" style gameplay. Amidst a dark and smothering world; grab a light, strike out, and fight against the odds. It's all just another day (or night) on the job.
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Coming Soon To Early Access

The developers of this game intend to release as a work in progress, developing with the feedback of players.

Note: Games in Early Access are not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more

What the developers have to say:

Why Early Access?

“Feedback as to the game's mechanics and gameplay is essential in it moving forward. To get the game into the hands of players for testing is best done through early access rather than post release.
Our hope is to get your input on mechanics, balancing, features, graphics, and presentation (to name a few areas).”

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

“The duration of the game being in early access and thereafter being released into 1.0 would depend on a few factors, or steps.
1. The gameplay has become solid and fun enough.
2. The quality of art and presentation for the game has reached internal standards/desires.
We suspect and plan for this period of early access to run until the end of 2024 with the game releasing into full release at the very end of that year or the beginning of 2025.”

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

“The initial release of the early access version will feature stand-in artwork, only internally tested gameplay and mechanics, and 1 Hunt (Swamp's Plague).

The final 1.0 version is planned to contain more polished graphics and presentation, more tested gameplay and mechanics, along with more content (specifically 2 more Hunts).”

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

“The current state of the early access version contains 1 Hunt (Swamp's Plague), minorly tested gameplay and mechanics, and stand-in artwork and presentation.”

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

“We plan to gradually raise the price as we ship new content and features.”

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

“Feedback on gameplay and mechanics are important and appreciated in the development of this game. We are very flexible in the game's design and welcome any changes if it betters the gameplay while staying true to the game's vision.
We appreciate feedback, suggestions, and bug reports, of which can best be given through our Steam Community page or Discord.”
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Planned Release Date: To be announced

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About This Game

Enter a dark and smothering world where monstrous creatures both known and unknown roam and terrorize the populous. As a professional Hunter, take on bounties to rid areas of these enigmatic creatures.
Creatures by Candlelight is an anthology of “hunts” that mix card based and "choose your own adventure" like gameplay where taking down a creature against all odds is just another day (or night) on the job.

All Part of The Job

Here are just a few of the things you will experience while on a hunt…

  • Scenes
    Travel between various Locations taking part in one Scene after another to progress your story while managing your resources and welfare. Inflict injuries on the Creature while avoiding injuries yourself. Inflict enough and win the hunt. Incur enough and lose all hope.
  • Events
    In every Scene there is a chain of Events. But not all take place. After experiencing an Event, it’s on to another Scene. Use your Items, Actions, and choices to instigate or negate Events in order to realize your plans while mitigating the risks you face along the way.
  • Disasters
    When tension builds, disaster approaches. If enough Tension cards are gained (by way of Events) then a Disaster is drawn. These may be momentary or persistent, but always to the detriment of the Hunter. Best to mitigate tension when possible as experiencing a disaster may be the tipping point to make the “hunter” the “hunted”.
  • Travelers
    Not all Scenes are bound to a Location. Traveling cards move about the hunt’s locations just like the hunter.
  • Dice
    To add dynamics and drama, dice are sometimes used in Events to determine their outcomes. Plans are sweet when they come together, but only when you know they could so easily fall apart.

Hunters’ Advice

  • Play the odds of what Scenes and their Events are likely left to draw in each Location.
  • Leverage what Item cards, Action cards, and Injuries you currently have when comparing what Scenes and their Events are left for you to encounter in the various Locations. Timing, along with considering the odds, is important.
  • Look at and come to know the different Scenes in each Location. Doing so will allow you to plan your path of choices to (hopefully) defeat the main Creature(s).

Initial Hunts

Here are 3 of the initial Hunts planned for release (with more to come)...

  • “Swamp’s Plague" - In the dark danks of a swamp, fight against the corrupting influence of a moldy octopus-like creature that pollutes and infects the area in various ways.
  • “Beast of Frost Peak” - Traverse trepidly on and around a snowy mountain while pitting wits against a savage beast with boundless energy and power.
  • “They Crawl Beneath” - Vermin-like creatures have been running amok in a little city. Get your hands dirty helping the citizens regain control before being overrun with an infestation of epic proportions.

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: Core i3
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: onboard (DirectX 11 compatible)
    • Storage: 1 GB available space
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