Perimeter is a real-time strategy game with a destructible world. Utilize the environment for resource gathering and defense against enemies. Immerse yourself in the millennia-spanning history of the Chains of Worlds and lead a faction in the struggle for survival.
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20. mai 2024

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Kjøp PERIMETER: Legate Edition



“Russian RTS stuns with beauty and innovation. We Want Inside this Perimeter”

Om spillet

Players can transform the terrain to obtain energy, use as offensive tool or improve defenses while having to deal with hostile geological processes and entities known as 'Scourge'

Taking place in the Chains of Worlds, players assume the role of Legates, commanders of frames, overseeing base development and leading strategic battles. As the narrative unfolds, players embody different Legates from various factions, providing multiple perspectives on unfolding events.

Centuries after the Exodus, new coalitions emerge, challenging the ideals of the spirits. The Return coalition, led by the Committee of Truth, seeks to return to Earth from the root worlds, rejecting the spirits' dogma. Similarly, the Spongean Empire advocates for enhanced humans conquering the Psychosphere rather than marching towards promised utopias.

Players undertake missions for different factions, shaping the narrative of the Psychosphere's history over centuries. This extensive timeline makes it challenging to introduce human characters, resulting in a unique storytelling approach.

Perimeter offers a rich and complex narrative, although some elements were omitted from the international version of the game, leading to community efforts to translate and clarify the storyline. Dive into the immersive world of Perimeter and command your forces in this strategic journey across the Chains of Worlds!

Features of the Legate Edition

  • Cross-platform compatibility: Windows, Linux
  • "Emperor’s Testament" add-on included in the main game
  • Support for widescreen monitors with almost any resolution. You can change the resolution without restarting the game, and in windowed mode, changing the window size dynamically adjusts the game resolution.
  • Full support for online multiplayer gaming
  • Capability for multiplayer with more than 4 players (on special maps)
  • Enhanced textures and models
  • Support for custom mods
  • Improved game balance
  • Availability of all frames from both Geometry of War and Emperor’s Testament, as well as electro-technologies in battles and multiplayer. New player colors added.
  • Re-edited english campaign more faithful to original russian version
  • Numerous minor improvements and bug fixes

For the English-speaking audience

This edition includes the full version of the campaign, identical to the Russian one (the original edition included a truncated version). This campaign does not have English voice-over. You can restore the truncated campaign with voice-over by disabling the "True English campaign" mod in the "Mods" menu.


SteamOS + Linux
    • Krever en 64-biters prosessor og operativsystem
    • Prosessor: 64-bit CPU
    • Minne: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: GPU with DirectX 9+ and 1GB graphics RAM
    • Lagring: 6 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • Krever en 64-biters prosessor og operativsystem
    • Prosessor: 64-bit CPU
    • Minne: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: GPU with DirectX 9+ and 1GB graphics RAM
    • Lagring: 6 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • Prosessor: 64-bit CPU
    • Minne: 1 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: GPU with DirectX 9+ and 1GB graphics RAM
    • Lagring: 6 GB tilgjengelig plass
    • Prosessor: 64-bit CPU
    • Minne: 2 GB RAM
    • Grafikk: GPU with DirectX 9+ and 1GB graphics RAM
    • Lagring: 6 GB tilgjengelig plass

Kundeanmeldelser for PERIMETER: Legate Edition




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