Build twisting mazes with tetromino blocks and deploy unique towers in this engaging roguelite tower defense game!
Reseñas recientes:
Extremadamente positivas (111) - El 96 % de las 111 reseñas de los usuarios en los últimos 30 días son positivas.
Reseñas generales:
Extremadamente positivas (2,223) - El 97 % de las 2,223 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este juego son positivas.
Fecha de lanzamiento:
25 JUN 2024

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Juego con acceso anticipado

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Aviso: Los juegos con acceso anticipado no están terminados y pueden o no cambiar más adelante. Si no te entusiasma jugar en su estado actual, deberías esperar a ver si el juego avanza más en su desarrollo. Más información

Lo que dicen los desarrolladores:

¿Por qué ofreces acceso anticipado?

«Over the past few months, I've received tremendous help from player feedback and suggestions on the demo! Early Access allows me to continue developing in this pattern, making modifications based on player input while completing the remaining content. I believe this will make Emberward a fantastic game.»

¿Cuánto tiempo va a estar este juego en acceso anticipado aproximadamente?

«The overall duration will depend on player feedback and the development status. Currently, the plan is to complete the final version within six to twelve months.»

¿Qué diferencias habrá entre la versión completa y la versión de acceso anticipado?

«The full version of Emberward will feature more maps, towers, and Roguelite elements. Besides that, I'm planning to add different modes and quality of life improvements based on player feedback.»

¿Cuál es el estado actual de la versión de acceso anticipado?

«At the launch of Early Access, players can fully experience the first two world maps and have access to 26 types of towers, 40 artifacts, and various runes, enhancements, and block cards. Also, tower upgrades and character/fire source selections that weren’t available in the demo are now open.»

¿El precio del juego será diferente durante y después del acceso anticipado?

«Yes. The price will be increased in proportion to the new content added to the game.»

¿Cómo tienes planeado involucrar a la comunidad en tu proceso de desarrollo?

«Please join the Emberward Discord server! I will continue to update the development progress and discuss it with players. Feel free to jump in and participate in the development of Emberward!»
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Acerca de este juego

  • Build a maze before the battle begins! Be creative and find the best setup with the block cards in your hand.

  • Make good use of your limited wall blocks! Will you make the monsters take a longer route, or will you use the blocks to position your towers more strategically?

  • After the battle, add various runes to the block cards! Runes can enhance your towers, grant blocks special abilities, or even double their size!

    • Tower with various sizes: 1x3? 2x2? 3x3? Building powerful towers requires careful planning!

    • Poison Towers that Span Monster Paths: Instead of shooting, we pour poison directly on the enemies' heads!

    • Drone Towers that Track Enemies: Why wait for enemies to come? Attack is the best form of defence!

    • D20 Towers that Test Your Luck: Higher number equals higher damage! (And yes, there's the infamous CRITICAL FAILURE)

    • (...and a lot more!!)

    • Choose your character and fire source before starting your adventure!

    • Each run is unique with different maps, tower compositions, and mazes.

    • Collect new towers, block cards, or power relics during your journey.

    • Each battle grants you experience. Learn from various talents and become stronger for your next adventure!

Requisitos del sistema

    • Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits
    • SO *: Windows 7/10/11
    • Procesador: 4GHz
    • Memoria: 4 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: 2GB GPU Memory, capable of OpenGL 3.0+ support
    • Almacenamiento: 2 GB de espacio disponible
    • Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.

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